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xop July 7, 2021 10:02 am

Your worry about the 'problematic' ships is legit and real and I can understand why you might think it's a problem.
As someone who also had this thought back then but changed my mind over the years, I'd like to point out some things that helped me think more in a critical way.
Maybe after reading this, you can understand that not everything is black and white, meaning liking 'problematic' stuff ≠ a problematic person.

Back then it was common knowledge but nowadays it seems not, so I want to point out.
A HEALTHY brain can separate fiction from reality. No normal person with a normal functioning brain reads this and thinks 'yeah this is ok in real life'. I read this and just think 'yeah that was hot' and that's it. I make zero correlation with reality because there is just no need to bc this is just pixels and won't affect me in real life.
If this is affecting your reality then sorry, but there is probably already something wrong with you and you should take a step back and maybe seek help.

It's the same with violent video games. They actually can help your brain (porn does also btw) in many ways. Just google or research in you library bc there is enough research on this topic.
But if video games affect you negatively, then there is already something wrong with you, meaning you probably have NOT a normal functioning brain. Best examples are school shooters. They're the minority where the games affected them negatively. The majority has no problem differentiating game from reality.

To your groom minor point. Who says only pro-shippers (does NOT mean problematic, it's the pro like in pro-contra. Again, I thought that was common knowledge....) have the potential to groom kids?
Most pro-shippers put up content warnings, a way for you to avoid it. Meaning, they actually take their time to let you curate your experience. They make it very clear you CAN avoid them. I doubt a real predator would do that.
Furthermore, how many groomers have been exposed as antis. The most recent famous example is CreepShowArt. Just look it up. She was also vehemently against anything problematic but guess what, she owned CP of someone she stalked.
Not just her. How many people have been exposed where you thought that the person was nice. They find a way to surround themselves with minors without your knowledge. That's the entire point for them to stay undetected.
So, I would say if an adult surround themselves with many followers that are underage AND interacts with them a lot, I think that's more suspicious than someone reading pixel porn.

Here more twitter links if you like to read more on the topic of reality & fiction and pro-shipper and antis (being outed as predators) which I think explains in a great way:

If reading this still makes you think fiction = reality, then I can't say nothing more and hope you can curate your own experience without harrassing people and just accept that people can have different opinions. Otherwise it would be very hypocrite bc you want to protect people while attacking other???

xop June 19, 2021 7:05 pm

man binge-read this and it‘s way better than I thought. I actually laughed and also cried.
Can‘t wait for next season.
Keep being handsome MC /////

    SLaMSHoOK June 20, 2021 9:27 am

    ur gonna luv the next season XD its the best in my opinion XD

    xop June 20, 2021 3:52 pm
    ur gonna luv the next season XD its the best in my opinion XD SLaMSHoOK

    Omggg now it really sucks to wait xDD

    SLaMSHoOK June 21, 2021 1:20 pm
    Omggg now it really sucks to wait xDD xop

    it will coz it will gives u a rollercoaster of emotions XD

xop June 19, 2021 6:52 pm

even though there is no incest or pedo, there are still stupid comments.
at this point you‘re not trying to do anything with your fake activism but want get a power trip where you just want to feel better than everyone with your oh so called higher morality.

If you think fiction = reality. fine by me, as long as you curate you‘re own fandom experience, stay in your lane and mute + block your dislikes like a NORMAL FUNCTIONING human being
but if you‘re THIS loud and harrassing people who don‘t share your opinion?
Sorry but you‘re giving Cr*epShowArt vibes (and there are actually A LOT of people like that) and I don‘t trust you AT ALL.

You definitely know this series and definitely know who the characters are from the cover alone but why did you still click on it? That‘s VERY questionable

    Kuso June 19, 2021 9:51 pm

    a g r e e

    boi- June 19, 2021 10:25 pm

    I always find this type of comment annoying ! at first i dont really mind it but it becaming more out of control as i enjoy reading CUTE and HAPPY ENDING story and these comment pop up and said things like "hey, he kissed him without his consent, that's rape!" and i feel guilty because i actually like the story (╯°Д °)╯╧╧ even tho its cute, the couple were happy at the end, there's no problem. so WHY do people have to bring this up ( ̄ε(# ̄)Σ

    Also, i find it really weird when people came and read this kind of manga and then complain when the cover is literally screaming "hentai" , like what do you expect ?! There's even some preview pic on the cover page where you can see what type of manga this is.ヽ(`Д´)ノ
    If you're sensitive to manga (idk if this make sense but what i mean is like when you read a manga and a tiny litte things did annoys you) and keep complaining just because its not your taste maybe you can just take ur time to read the tag, summary, and look at the preview pic before start reading it (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

    sorry, this is just my opinion ( ̄へ ̄)

    xop June 20, 2021 3:51 pm
    I always find this type of comment annoying ! at first i dont really mind it but it becaming more out of control as i enjoy reading CUTE and HAPPY ENDING story and these comment pop up and said things like "hey... boi-

    lmaooo the kissing without consent part. at this point this is just nitpicking xD
    there is a thing called reading between the lines/ reading the atmosphere where, as it's already suggesting, you can confirm stuff without basically making a written contract ಠ_ಠ
    there's no denying where some things need to be said clearly but if the story obviously shows that the fictional couple is happy and both of them are fine after kissing without the verbal consent (meaning: they know what they're doing), then just move on. So no need to feel gulity ;)
    This obviously shows that these people lack critical thinking and act like they learned romantic moves from a 'How to date' book and now stubbornly need to apply 1:1, what they learned, in every situation without thinking on their own, have room for improvisation or letting the characters find their happy end in their own style xD

    Yess, the cover obviously screams 'Adult Only' but ok, if they're this pressed, they should stop reading Doujinshi altogether because most Doujinshi are NSFW (just the artist wanting their OTP to fuck) xD

    I also didn't care about discourse at the beginning but lately it's getting really bad. Furthermore a lot of artists have been bullied off social media and the majority where asian artists because most of them can't speak english and we're always told asians are problematic anyway, which gives them justification to treat us like shit. You tell me if it sounds xenophobic (=__=) We can only hope it will get better. Though I don't know what's difficult about NOT HARRASSING people (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

xop May 31, 2021 7:06 am

Man how often do we need to read ‚you know they‘re x years old right?‘
Omg really (No Shit, Sherlock)??? Thanks sooo much for pointing it out (Captain Obvious) We totally didn‘t know (; w;) (we do but why are YOU here)
Now please go tell Yuuji. He‘s gonna be soooo thankful for defending his totally existing fictional rights (need to point out: compared to real people, they don‘t). Man, bet Yuuji’s gonna be SO MAD when he finds out he’s being shipped with Gojo, Nanami, etc. Thanks again for your totally effective performative activism for FICTIONAL characters and doing nothing again for actual victims in REAL life and harrassing people instead :3

Ok, but on a serious note. Doujinshi was very hot. Thanks for the meal /////

    yaoi_crate May 31, 2021 8:02 am

    Yessss dude. Like I’m tired of hearing this shit. And like why tf you here if you don’t like it anyways?? Also I hate hearing “that’s his teacher” “the age gap” like stfuuuuuuuu it’s annoying

    yaoi_crate May 31, 2021 8:08 am
    Yessss dude. Like I’m tired of hearing this shit. And like why tf you here if you don’t like it anyways?? Also I hate hearing “that’s his teacher” “the age gap” like stfuuuuuuuu it’s annoying yaoi_crate

    Irl there’s literally movies that focus on teacher x student relationship. Twilight fantasies an abusive relationship. They make movies over sexualizing teens. Like how tf you gonna get mad over fictional stories. There’s books about rape. There’s actual novels about Stockholm syndrome, ur just mad these stories have pictures with them … like gtfooooo

    xop May 31, 2021 9:52 am
    Irl there’s literally movies that focus on teacher x student relationship. Twilight fantasies an abusive relationship. They make movies over sexualizing teens. Like how tf you gonna get mad over fictional sto... yaoi_crate

    a whole ass Game of Thrones exists but what did we hear? Basically cricket noises. Also realize how antis are mostly attacking m/m ships? Like m/m aren't allowed to explore sexual themes and can only do pure wholesome uwu things. I dunno but I smell the stench of homophobia. Not the obvious kind but the unintentional/internalized one. Same vibe as 'you can be gay but don't do gay stuff in front of me'
    Also realize how antis function like a cult/conservative religion? It's very black and white with them. Only their opinion is right. If you try to have a conversation, it's mostly like talking to a wall. Only they're right and everyone else is bad.
    Let's not talk about how they're never attack violent themes like murder, only sexual themes
    or what they do is basically bullying veiled under their so called 'right morality' so they can justify their bullying and feel better about themselves.
    I could go on and on but let's keep it light under a GoYuu Doijinshi xdd
    Normally I don't meddle in discourse but lately it has been very bad with how many fan creators have been bullied off on SNS

sspulver February 18, 2021 2:20 pm

wish western fandom would actually follow the landmine advice instead of harassing/bullying content creators =__=

sspulver October 21, 2020 9:04 am

man this was unexpectedly wholesome. Loved the couple and the sidestories were also cute ;////;

sspulver October 18, 2020 12:46 pm

lmao everyone hating the girl. same. the whole chapter just proves my point that she‘s not likable. MC was like a lackey (carrying her stuff, taking photos for her, etc). it didn‘t feel like a date at all. sorry even the shot where the artist beautified her to the max didn‘t help her case at all. please give a decent FL and not her

    sspulver October 18, 2020 12:49 pm

    also the part where she said all the other guys give up like isn‘t it indicating that you should change??? or are you proud of the fact that your dates give up half way???

    shy biscuit October 18, 2020 1:23 pm
    also the part where she said all the other guys give up like isn‘t it indicating that you should change??? or are you proud of the fact that your dates give up half way??? sspulver

    yeah, who the fuck does she think she is making guys do her biding. the fuck is that? an initiation? a test? for who? her? HER?

sspulver October 11, 2020 8:05 am

oh man this would have so much potential as a long series with actual plot......sad it‘s the end ;___;

sspulver September 8, 2020 3:58 pm

only at ch. 8 but already two of the most annoying types of girls. lord give me strength to get through this. are these really character types people enjoy bc they‘re not rare....
well at least the rest is enjoyable which is why I‘ll keep reading for now

    sspulver September 8, 2020 5:44 pm

    ok finished and it‘s mostly face slapping. feels like story goes like this. mostly son/grandson loses, grandfather/dad comes to rescue, loses, rinse & repeat. dunno maybe I‘ll come back if there are more chapters. red hair is best girl, then blue girl. the other two I won‘t count bc they‘re trash characters in my opinion

sspulver September 5, 2020 10:22 pm

wth this is such gem. I‘m so glad I decided to read this

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