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zilpiy February 11, 2021 12:30 am

im done with everyone using her trauma as an excuse for her INCOMPTENCE!! truly, she could have caused severe financial debt bc of her EGO. i said it! she didnt want others to think she was lacking, so she didnt ask questions when she clearly does not know whats going on. she should put away her ego, accept that she needs help and properly do her duties.
And she wanted to cut the dead tree despite the significance behind why it is there.. bc she thought it was ugly. Like she had no thoughts on another solution? im sorry but she really has no personality except being "cute". I am truly hoping this gets better bc nothng has happened at all with the plot.
To be clear, I am not asking for a super smart FL. I just hope to see one that isnt solely made to look meek and taken care of by everyone solely bc of the plot.

    Milliane February 11, 2021 12:56 am

    Personally, i also don't like weak FLs and I think they created her character really well so I don't mind her weakness now. She understands she needs to be stronger but her insecurities eat her away from the inside. Also, she just left her father's estate after years of abuse so it's gonna take some time for her to adjust to her new life.

    I read the webnovel and it may not come across here as much as it did there but she is very insecure. She thinks that Riftan likes her because she's a proper lady who was educated and cherished by her family. So if she comes off as incompetent, she thinks that Riftan would be disappointed and beat her or divorce her. She needs more confidence and she's slowly gaining it.

    lil_moonbeam February 11, 2021 1:16 am

    i’m sorry but no. her trauma is a valid reason. and that’s not incompetence, she never learned anything about managing a household her entire life! she doesn’t even know how money or currency works! and that’s because she was neglected as a child, on top of that, her memories of her “home” are basically just her father abusing her. she experienced genuine love and care for the first time through riftan, it’s only understandable that she will try her best despite her insecurities. it’s not incompetence, she just needs guidance. trauma doesn’t fade away overnight.

    astria February 11, 2021 1:42 am

    if this story isn't your cup of tea just drop it and move on. she has trauma and as any person with trauma would be, they wouldn't be as high functioning as anyone else. if you're looking for typical strong female lead trope, this is not the manhwa you should be reading.

    and yo. if this is really your view on people with trauma, you lack compassion.

    バイブ February 11, 2021 1:51 am
    i’m sorry but no. her trauma is a valid reason. and that’s not incompetence, she never learned anything about managing a household her entire life! she doesn’t even know how money or currency works! and t... lil_moonbeam

    DaddyEmu February 11, 2021 3:24 am

    No, you are asking for a super smart female lead. You can’t handle that she’s very realistic in human nature when you’re abused and told that you’re worthless.

    You must’ve never experienced being afraid to ask for help because the problems other people seem easy to do is hard for you to learn. You seem like the type of person to yell at someone during sex because they weren’t doing something you wanted them to do but they’ve experienced sexual trauma and aren’t comfortable with doing certain sexual actions.

    She’s been abused all her life by her father, treated less than a servant in her own household where she was suppose to feel safe and loved. She can’t ask for help because it’s been drilled into her mind that if she’s incompetent of being the lady of the house the servants will look down on her and treat her differently. She’s afraid that Riftan will throw her away and she’ll have to return to her father where she most likely will be murdered. Her trauma can’t magically disappear like you want it to.

    She didn’t know about the tree because she was never taught anything, it’s like you think she was magically given all the details and facts of everything after she arrived. News flash, she hasn’t learned anything because she didn’t know.

    kianari February 11, 2021 4:00 pm

    How do you expect her to act though? She’s been abused since she was a child. Her trauma is valid lawl. If this kind of fl doesn’t suit your tastes then go on, dropped it, no one’s stopping you.

    mads February 12, 2021 11:55 pm

    I’m sorry but wtf. You obviously don’t have trauma and it shows. Maxi is honestly doing her best for riftan and the only reason she is messing up on things is because she NEVER LEARNED ANYTHING! Maxi was abused by her own father in her own household and that’s the only thing she knew. She was never educated on anything and now that she is being given the chance to be probably educated she is confused because she has never been shown this kind of love and kindness. You need to grow tf and learn not everyone is as strong as the people you read about. Normal people with trauma have a hard time overcoming it super fast, trauma is something that gets better OVERTIME!! I think the author did a great job on making maxi relatable and strong in her own sense. I’ve read the novel and maxi truly is an amazing woman who gradually learns her worth and becomes her own baddie.

    mimi somi February 13, 2021 3:27 pm

    Most ignorant and stupid comment I've ever seen. Not getting help because of ego? Comments like this makes me want to kill myself

zilpiy February 10, 2021 12:10 am

This FL is already pissing me off lol she was going to apologize???? doesnt stand up for herself and the author is trying to paint her as the typical "not like other girls" FL.. i can already predict ima get more mad lol like where is the backstory.. she was rude to the emperor one time and he falls for her..

    Nephili February 10, 2021 1:54 am

    I forget which one but there was an isekai manga that addressed this “not like other girls” where the fl basically shut that down saying the noble girls couldn’t express their other sides to people since it would seem weird and uncultured that the men never tried to see those sides. It was much better stated but ever since I’ve read that I always think about it especially in these forced “she’s different” plot lines.

    Leta Cent February 10, 2021 2:58 am

    I agree.

    I was pissed the moment she was pissed that her ex fiance got married. So really early on lol. Like dude you were engaged for 2 years and treated him more like a friend and like it was a chore. He was looking for love ( still picked a trash of a girl but that's beside the point). Why be mad he looked elsewhere? Especially when she seemed to not care at first.

    It was annoying to see her mope cause the guy that said he loved her left her, yet she said to his face she didn't love him.

    Now that whole fight seemed dumb as well. I would defend that old lady's too but why did she go to the party when she knew it was a trap? Also she is Bellow that girls status so it seems really dumb to start the fight at all. Like point out how she is rude so that the crowd knows should she truly is but don't slap some more powerful ( socially and politicaly) than you. I feel like everything she does annoys me.

zilpiy February 7, 2021 5:17 am

really like the note in the beginning about knowing these are uploaded here and instead of throwing a fit, they provided a guide to differentiate the characters ! (I was also having trouble deciphering the two bc of the similar hair lol)

zilpiy February 3, 2021 8:26 pm

50 chapters has passed and she has yet to do anything remarkable whatsoever. except cry and cause trouble.
She writes down all her plans, which lands on the black magicians hands.. causing more harm to the emperor. its like come on now u have no use or place in this kingdom!!
idk what but this plot is moving extremely slow and i dont sense any chemistry between the two of them. beautiful illustrations but thats all. there is no plot and the FL is completely useless.

    MessyLucky February 3, 2021 9:05 pm

    She thinks like a child, she didnt even bother to burn what she written based on the future. I guess she's just a plain stupid girl (maybe for now?) still I dont like how she do her plans (if there really are) ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Red February 3, 2021 9:33 pm

    Meant to downvote.
    I agree w everything u said but i still enjoy it and like, u just said it as if it kinda wasn't cool-

zilpiy January 29, 2021 9:42 pm

Like im dropping bc every chapter ticks me off. like ok the ppl who wronged her got wat was coming for them.. but there is no plot. So far shes just making her grandpa and brothers feel better about themselves.

Her grandpa and brothers are trash bc they let her get abused.. she was WHIPPED and she doesnt tell the grandpa when he asked lol

pay her what she is owed and let her leave. if that was the plot this story would be ten times more better.

    TiredTM January 29, 2021 10:05 pm

    uggg, why do revenge plots or whatever never do what they promise?? im here to read about getting even and assholes regretting life but here we are playing family like did you forget they abused/neglected you?

    zilpiy January 29, 2021 10:55 pm
    uggg, why do revenge plots or whatever never do what they promise?? im here to read about getting even and assholes regretting life but here we are playing family like did you forget they abused/neglected you? TiredTM

    seriously.. i want some plot where she leaves them behind and they regret their actions. What that lying chef did was miniscule compared to the torture the MC went through for years lol
    BUt of course the brothers feeling smug about themselves for finally doing something.. thats some BS.. i kept reading hoping it will get better but it has not.. so im giving up :(

zilpiy January 21, 2021 3:49 am

This is like the 10th time he just tosses Jooin to the side. Throws him under the bus and its tiring seeing Jooin let him have his way.. its like jus leave.. I really hope they are not using Cain as a plot device to bring them together... plz.. Like he can leave to europe rn with a cute boy.. come on now. Yahwhi acts so tough but hes letting these useless leeches have opinions that shouldnt matter.

zilpiy January 18, 2021 7:31 pm

WHAT IS HE DOING? Literally he just does whatever he wants without being clear. ITS BEEN 80 CHAPTERS! THERE doesnt seem to be any plot.. except misudnerstandings.. im TIRED!

ginger.. just tell her how u feel bc rn its been dragged on long enough. he kisses her without telling her he loves her.. this is such bullshit.. Alyssa stand firm and do not give him anything until YOU get wat u want! the proper respect and feelings.

zilpiy January 18, 2021 7:59 am

I really believe that Yoshino does not love Kirishima. Their dynamic is so interesting bc she truly is the alpha in this relationship. Love the other panels that shows outsider's opinions of them.

How other girls view her as naturally superior but shes also somewhat "clueless".. but its ONLY bc she does not care about what ppl think. They do not matter to her at all.. amazing. Also really like that panel where Kirishima just takes care of the small things without a word . I think it shows his true character/position in this relationship.

ALSO the whole him sleeping with other girls so casually also rubbed me the wrong way at first bc of the way he seems so "devoted" to Yoshino. But reading later on it seems that his first encounter with sex would be to gain something in return? Not basing on feelings/comfort but on info or favors.. but thats just the impression I got so far.
Liked how Yoshino says she could care less tho bc she doesn't like him.. its great

zilpiy January 17, 2021 9:21 am

Love the drawings.. but im cracking up at how theres a misunderstanding in every single chapter HAHAHAH
truly there is no plot yet but I am enjoying this series so far LOL I hope the white hair guy shapes up soon.. he has too much competition

zilpiy January 16, 2021 12:10 am

Her perspective of being a "good" person seems to be causing him harm. Like how can forgive the murders of his mother and sister.. just cause she asked?? Let him do his thing lol shes acting a lil big headed rn trying to save everyone!
Its a fact these ppl are trying to kill him. and she wants him to spare their lives.. thats twisted and annoying imo lol

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