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everydayy February 1, 2021 8:19 pm

I like to suffer. Please help a girl out.

everydayy January 18, 2021 10:14 pm

It was yaoi where seme and uke switch bodies. I think seme was suicidal? Also there was one scene where they switch back to their original bodies in the middle of sex?

everydayy June 24, 2020 3:43 am

Does anyone know any webtoons/manga with plots like this: where the couple were crazy in love with each other, but over time one falls out of love with the other. The MC still loves ML, but decides to leave because it's too painful to be in a loveless relationship (and because he's not needed anymore). ML realizes that he's lost MC and chases after him. This trope is literally my guilty pleasure ahhh. Please link me some stories, doesn't have to be all yaoi.

OO So basically like a plot kind of similar to- The Ten Years I Loved You The Most, but it doesn't have to be tragedy or anything, just the ML not caring for the MC anymore and MC tries to leave because they think they're not needed anymore.

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