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Hahale December 15, 2020 3:58 am

Like there's only 21 comments here... There are some but not like all 21 commnts talking about that. Also using sims to make a story is not weird. There's a lot of people doing it and it's called machinima(making videos using video games). I've read/watch some adult sim machinima on m y r e a d i n g m a n g a and honestly it was so fun and it feels like I'm watching movies. There's this person, gosh their machinima is the best. It was technically a movie for me I do recommend you all to watch it lol and yes, it's bl and uncensored I mean they used that wicked whims mode so everything is uncensored

But, yeah this one is not bad. I do enjoy it. But again, if the author don't want their works to be upload here, I understand but please do not be discourage by that bad comments. They just didn't know that this kind of things exist and it just maybe kinda hits on them Also this was already free? Like why don't you(uploader) post only a ch(just to let people know about it) and leave a note on where to read the rest to support the author since it was literally free to read...

    Hiatus December 23, 2020 4:48 am

    Hyungry was one of the best!!

    Hahale December 24, 2020 4:18 pm
    Hyungry was one of the best!! Hiatus

    YESSS!! I've watched all Hyungry's machinimas and they're all so f good

Hahale November 19, 2020 2:52 am

I just came back from Celestial Scan insta and I saw their post about their conv with Quack Quack Scan. So apparently, QQS said that they(CS) were using machine translation(MTL) and there's some missing dialogue. That's why they(QQS) decided to update ch5 or maybe wanted to take over. While CS also saying that QQS is using MTL in their ch5. Since I don't have anything to do now, I came here to prove it. I mean.... Yeah, they're(QQS) not wrong actually... Here's what I've found (I just make a stop on random page since it's hard to switch from tab to tab when using phone)

(The restaurant name)
인어 means mermaid not Japanese.
When the boss is playing with his phone, the sfx should be a game sound since he's not typing. He was playing a game. It's not "type" but I don't really know how to say it. The translation from korean is "pyut". Gosh, sfx is hard!

There's missing dialogue in that "Serve them nicely". The dialogue should be " Since they're your guest for tonight, treat them nicely"

안자 means "sit" not "wait" but maybe they just wanted to change it to "wait"...??
Also 꿀꺽 means "gulp" not "scared"

너 means "you" not "uh"

"Why the hell did you do that?" suppose to be "Who the hell are you?!" or you can add scumbag/bastard/punk whoever you want.
And lastly, it's not "Here's my application form" it should be "I'm a staff here".

Okay, I was about to make some checking with ch5 from QQS too because CS also said that they(QSS) also using MTL but CS already replace it with their ch... It's okay, looks like I'll be checking on CS chapter again...

밀물 썰물 is "ebb and flow" also called ebb flood and flood drain. The whole dialogue got change? The dialogue that was translated was this "Didn't you learn how to swim in school?". If it was translated from korean raws it should be like this "Didn't you learn about ebb and flow at school?". I remembered reading QQS translation and they use "ebb and flow"

"밀... 뭐?" should be "ebb... What?" Not "Wait. What?"

"Thanks Juha I owe you one" should be "Tch, thanks... Looks like I owe you again..." Machine can't translate that "tch"

This part, I remembered QQS did this right.
"Have you seen your friend yet?" should be "Are you here just to have fun?"
"Do you think I'm here to meet a friend?" should be "Do I look like I'm here just to have fun?" (Pg20)

Those empty grey bubble should be "growl" *the sound of his stomach

"Oh come on you're shaking" should be "Jeez(well, "come on" works too), what's the big deal". I'm guessing that 떨 you thought means shaking, huh. No it's not.

"Kekeke he must of like that~" supposed to be "Kekeke, he looks like he's enjoying it~"

"I brought plenty of ramen so he can eat as much as he wants" should be "Well... He'll eat whatever I give"

"Are you hungry? Where's you're family?" should be "Why? Is it because you're hungry? Where's your mom?"
I also remembered QQS did have that "Where's your mom" instead of "Where's your family". I guess CS don't want to have the same dialogue with QQS...? In the korean raws, Juha was asking about the mom not family since stray cats didn't live as a family. They only live with their mother(only for a couple months). Now that makes sense why you should use mom, right?~

"Just kidding just kidding" suppose to be "Ramyun should go with kimchi"

"What?" is supposed to be "Ugh...". Well, MTL can't translate "ugh" too.

There's a missing dialogue. It was suppose to be under the 1st dialogue. Hmm, I wonder why they didn't put it in? If they did, the dialogue would be "Did he try to put me in a strange situation by putting in egg?"

Pg82 (the 2nd dialogue)
"Ugh! I don't even know anymore.." should be "Huhh, whatever, you're cheap and nasty, ptui ptui!!" Now, this one also use by QQS, that "ptui, ptui" ones. You won't get that if you use MTL.

Okay, now, I have tried putting in some dialogue especially the one that have a stuttered dialogue in MTL. Guess what, they didn't translate that stuttered word. If you still don't understand what I'm saying, it was this "Y-you", "D-don't", "N-no". So did you see any stuttered dialogue in CS chapters? Let me show you, where's those dialogue should be

From ch5

Korean raws
"Y-you are..."
CS trans

Korean raws
"W-what are you doing?!"
CS trans
"What, what are you doing?!"
(Here, the 뭐 which means "what" was separated from 뭐하는". So if you translated it, didn't it'll be like "W-what"???)

Korean raws
CS trans
"Uh... Okay"

From ch6

Korean raws
"L-last night..."
CS trans
"Uh.. Well last night..." (Well, this works too)

Korean raws
"W-what are you doing...?!"
CS trans
"What are you doing?!"

Korean raws
CS trans
"My god, shit"

Okay, that's it. Now back to the part where both of the group accusing each other for using MTL. What do you guys think? I may didn't got the chance to check on QQS ch5 but I do remember some of the dialogue which I have already mentioned above.

Also in your(CS) post, you said that there's korean/korean speaker in your group right? Like, for real? Or maybe their english is not good? I mean, if they're korean or can speak korean, you're not gonna have this kind of mistakes in the first place. This mistakes is very obvious.

I know you're gonna come at me but I'm just saying facts. You have like 3 translators in the credit page. Did none of them realize it? Better have your translator check their translation for a couple times before hand it to the next person incharge.

Like QQS said "No one complain because the reader can't read korean" yeah, that's why I'm here. You need to get your translation straight.

I'm sorry for making this post but someone need to show you because other than your translator, no one know what's happening in the translation.

Gosh, this is long. Thank you for reading. Have a nice day

    caesar salade November 19, 2020 3:23 am

    Here king,you dropped this

    sweet like sugar November 19, 2020 7:49 am

    Wow haha this was amazing. So the QQ scan version is from m a n g a d e x. I'm pretty sure mangago has bots that scrape stuff from there so that's why their chapter was on here first. btw their version is still on there if you wanna compare

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