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Another copy-and-paste manhwa about a grown adult waking up in the body of an infant from some book they've read in their previous life. Them being mentally adult in the body of a child somehow makes everybody become obsessed with them and love them, even the cold-hearted emperor/duke/whatever father. Everybody's praising the MC for being the smartest, prettiest, and most powerful, even tho she's not doing anything revolutionary. Still, the narrative will present anything she does as such. She was the most average person in her previous life but in future chapters no doubt she'll magically know how to deal with every crazy situation she will find herself in. She'll just naturally know how, because that's interesting. Everything that will happen in this story will be just so the narrative can jerk her off once again for being the most amazing person ever. Awesomeee

Laden created a topic of Yoshiwara Boys & Moral Girl!

Isn't the set up for the female lead that she's a grown woman who was in many relationships with men and is not a virgin? Why is she acting like a virgin school girl now, squealing and blushing non stop. I liked the summary but if that's how the main character, ADULT main character is going to act I'm dropping this. Meh

Laden created a topic of For My Abandoned Love

It's chapter 88 and Hestia is still acting the same as she was in the beginning of the story even though every other character clearly changed like god please is it too much to ask for some character progression from the MAIN FEMALE LEAD??!

If only this was 18+ harem...

Laden created a topic of Ashita wa Docchi Da!

Love Kirara but those fucking slippers with cuffted up pants no socks combo is killing me. PLEASE PLEASE AT LEAST WEAR DIFFERENT SHOES ToT

People talking about Narita hinting at being gay (which I wouldn't be opposed to) but I think he was just saying he's a himedanshi, especially since he'd commented once how our main couple is his otp


boring corny done before cringe

Laden created a topic of Sleeping Dead


Laden created a topic of Big Boss Gone Bad

Jesus someone take away all the drawing supplies from these perverted basement dweller men with cuck fetishes because this shit can't go on...

Laden created a topic of Jinx

Good. Should've sprayed it on his face. Hope the bully beats his ass (≧∀≦)

Laden created a topic of Double Trap

It's crazy how the physique of the second couple changed the second that the author decided which one is going to be the top/bottom. Like they looked completely different when first introduced...

With every new chapter I roll my eyes harder and harder I think when we get to the epilogue I'll roll them so hard they'll go into the back of my head and pernamently stay there

Laden created a topic of Jinx

I mean what did Kim Dan even excpect that man never NEVER gave an impression of actually caring or liking him so...?
Also apparently this is going to go the "mistreated bottom leaves, only then the abusive top realizes what he've lost and comes crawling back to the bottom" but this author already did this with Bj Alex, do they have a hard time writing actual character progression so they just recycle this one trope?

Chapter 4: "Heh she's an interesting woman"
Chapter 7: "Just thinking about this woman makes me feel weird *blush*"
talk about awful pacing, no development head empty only cliches

Laden created a topic of Remarried Empress

This story always read as classist to me. As an author how do you come up with this plot of "look at THIS STUPID ILLITERATE SLAVE GIRL SLUT, who does she think she is? Isn't it pathetic how she doesn't know any of the etiquette? Haha, what an idiot thinking she can raise in status instead look at our "poor" aristocratic woman who never faced a moment of hardship in her entire life, who has loving parents, got an education, and is married to an emperor? Isn't it so sad for her when some STUPID SLAVE SLUT tires stealing her man?? Oh, but don't worry, since our high-born FL is so perfect, she has many men running after her. What a girlboss" genuinely what has to be going through your head to think of that. It seems like the author noticed that people are more likely to feel something for Rashta since she has an interesting backstory and ambitions to overcome actual adversity, as opposed to the "perfect" cupboard that Navier is, so with every new chapter they started trying to embarrass the character in the story itself by making her stupider, less self-aware and vain slowly descending into a caricature of what Rashta was at the beginning as a character.

Laden created a topic of Jinx

The always moody asshole who raped you and is constantly abusing you is struggilng?? Oh no...anyways...
But seriously why should we care about Joo Jaekyung? Just because Dan is catching feelings like no that's not how it works, that's not how you build a character's likebility :/

Laden created a topic of A Wannabe Golden Gangster

Girls don't you just love when all your shirts come with a special underboob cut with the sole purpose of accentuating your tits <3333

Laden created a topic of My Barbaric Girlfriend

Jesus I really liked this manga when I was much younger but rereading it now made me hate it. The way in which Senbongi is a straight up predator and how entitled Momoi is just

Laden created a topic of Pink to Habanero

Jesus Christ does anyone actually finds the male lead charming? In the year 2019 you would think that this trope of an "asshole who secretly cares~" would die out