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I love love love love love how the author wasn't shy to draw every change in body/facial expression. Instead of giving us the final expression, she showed us the character getting there. Like, whenever Colton looked and Jinwoo and you could watch the thoughts going through his head and translating on his face. The eyebrows moving. The eyes opening up just a bit wider. The intense looks. Aaaaaaaaaaaaa

The first time I read this I didn't finish it, so it was just a story about a dude becoming a dad...

The second time around was... Something else. Lol.

How dare that cunt make such a proposal to my baby Sakura?!?!?! GET AWAY FROM HIM YOU EVIL BITCH!!!?

I don't think Sakura's gonna accept it because it's been 140 chapters of his friends drilling into his head that he's not fighting alone and to trust them. Therefore, Sakura, trust that your friends are gonna be alright and kick that bitch's ass to tomorrow! I love you and trust you

I trust my girlie Tsubaki to yell at him if Sakura wavers

Because I'm not Tsubaki-chan's type. I will never be his type.


I'm in cp 41 and I just can't be bothered to go to the raws or the novel to find out what Astel named him

As in no emperors, crown princes, dukes... I want a common knight, a low-end noble


I want to see that trashy king's face so bad when Adelaide goes "k." when he strips her of her title fixkfjsbfjskcjsj

Forgot the name, but MC was crappy to his mom and then she got super sick or something, I think. Then something makes her rejuvenate 20 years or so, making her look like she's in her 20s.

I admire Songhyun, but never had the hots for him... Until cp52. Like, omg, the way he said "I'm just messing around a bit"

Did I miss a chapter or 10? When did he fall in love with Seol???????? Yeah, he had a slight crush and was attracted to her but to already be IN LOVE????????? What???????

"But he wrote her based on his ideal woman so being in love already is not farfetched since he has always liked her." First of all, that's creepy. Secondly, is he in love with an idea of a woman or with her? Thirdly, I still stand by the fact that they barely know each other. It's feels so fucking bland when they've barely talked to each other. I'm gobsmacked. It's like they went on a first date and he's already proposing and talking about moving in together.

Btw they ended my yaoi dreams when big bad villain possessed og mc lmao

It's so funny to me that the empress is seen like this badass powerful woman when girlie gets out of commission immediately after using 1 (ONE!!!!!!) ability. It just makes her look like someone with a lot of power but no mastery over it.

It would be ok if she was just tired afterwards, but nope. She fights 10 seconds, uses powerful ability and then gets exhausted to the point of sickness. Like????? It's happened twice now.


Also, how deep is the guy's sleep for him to sleep through a dungeon collapsing? Lol

For a solid second I thought we'd have a gay dads subplot and now I'm disappointed jsjvjsjfja

Ughhhhh my fanfic-y mind is burning with scenarios of how the og mc took care of Hyukryun when they were trapped in the ancestral city FOR DAYSSSSSSSS (~ ̄³ ̄)~

I like Suyeon but as always, male authors just don't know how to write female characters. I'd understand if it was just admiration, but I just don't get why she's THAT interested in him. Why she was more worried about him (someone she barely knows) than og Mc (someone she's been travelling with for a while, a companion). ARGGHHHHHH

Could someone upload here the other missing warrior x Kaal story? The one Warrior disobeys a order from the prince and almost gets r by other dude