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LadyWolf May 12, 2016 5:57 am

WTF? Kissing him like that and than saying it's Kirara fault... How is it Kirara's fault that you never told him your feelings Ken? Going around doing what you will with every girl that walks up to you but not saying anything to the one you like... yea that's just so right of you!

Why does pretty much all manga have to have them sleeping around with everyone else but not going after the one they really love? AH, I feel bad for Kirara.

    ¥401 May 14, 2016 11:39 pm

    maybe he's saying that it's kirara's fault since all he has been doing is trying so hard to forget and deny his feelings towards him? that's why he blames kirara for making him feel that way?

    LadyWolf May 15, 2016 2:17 am
    maybe he's saying that it's kirara's fault since all he has been doing is trying so hard to forget and deny his feelings towards him? that's why he blames kirara for making him feel that way? ¥401

    Even if that is the case, Ken is still the one in the wrong. I still feel bad for Kirara.... he loves Ken but can't say anything, but Ken kisses him and blames Kirara, that is so not right. I just want to slap Ken!

    I know this happens in alot of manga but doesn't mean I have to like it... I just wanted to rant about it on this one. :D

    ¥401 May 15, 2016 3:08 am

    lol, ikr, i just wish how updates can come faster so we can finally go on with the story XD

    LadyWolf May 15, 2016 5:41 am
    lol, ikr, i just wish how updates can come faster so we can finally go on with the story XD ¥401

    Yea I agree, would be nice if they came faster, but sadly we have to wait.

    mini_b2013 May 17, 2016 2:20 pm
    Even if that is the case, Ken is still the one in the wrong. I still feel bad for Kirara.... he loves Ken but can't say anything, but Ken kisses him and blames Kirara, that is so not right. I just want to slap ... LadyWolf

    Lmfao ken is the older brother who save him ftom that perv in chapter 7

    LadyWolf May 18, 2016 11:43 pm
    Lmfao ken is the older brother who save him ftom that perv in chapter 7 mini_b2013

    I don't know what you are talking about, I haven't read chapter 7, only read till 5... but Ken is the younger of the 2 brothers, hes the one Kirara likes, though at times it seems like Ken thinks Kirara likes his brother. :)

    Ryuta May 21, 2016 3:36 pm

    I actually think that ken doesnt seriously blame kirara? Like he said it's your fault because kirara made him can't contain himself anymore and just went for the kiss. Seeing that kirara is shocked and confused he said "it's all your fault". I think of it not in a mean way more like a cute way since kirara is happy about it and they kissed again in the next chapter. Well it's just my interpretation, sorry if i'm wrong :3

    LadyWolf May 21, 2016 10:04 pm
    I actually think that ken doesnt seriously blame kirara? Like he said it's your fault because kirara made him can't contain himself anymore and just went for the kiss. Seeing that kirara is shocked and confused... Ryuta

    I won't say you are wrong, that could be the case. I just got kind of annoyed about the whole thing of someone being in love with someone but sleeps with anyone that's not the one they love, and takes forever to say anything to the one they love. So I thought I would rant about it on this one. lol

    I do like your way of thinking better with the whole thing. :)

LadyWolf March 1, 2016 3:06 am

Ok, I am confused... Who is right on the whole sent thing? Kakami's brother or Kakami?

Kakami was just WAY to cold to Shingo at the end there. I don't care if he broke up with you, you agreed to it you butthead! Ahhh it's just so wrong!

Also I so don't like the fact that Kakami lets Angelo kiss him like that and get so close to him. You say you are so in love with Shingo but you let him do that to you.... yea that's right of you... NOT! He needs to be slapped.

LadyWolf February 28, 2016 12:32 am

Makio is so wrong for what he had done to Satoru, and he even have the balls to let Satoru know that he was the one and hoped he learned his lesson. WTF man! That's just messed up no matter how you put it. I am glad at the end of this ch thou, Satoru saying what he did and then Makio getting upset(?) about it.

It's not like Satoru is in the wrong for what he said, Makio is not saying anything to him and he doing god knows what all the time, and who knows if he is with someone else aswell. Sorry Makio but you can't have everything always go your way, you need to give more than you have been, other wise you may not get to keep Satoru for long... though in manga it doesn't go like that but still.... :D

Don't get me wrong I still like this manga though that doesn't mean it doesn't piss me off at times.

    akuma_river February 28, 2016 12:53 am

    But Makio said he didn't do it. And I don't think he did. I think someone he works with or knows him from his conman days is the one who did it. I'm actually thinking it's the guy who helped Satoru.

    LadyWolf February 28, 2016 3:06 am
    But Makio said he didn't do it. And I don't think he did. I think someone he works with or knows him from his conman days is the one who did it. I'm actually thinking it's the guy who helped Satoru. akuma_river

    I forgot about that part, but he still made it out like he knew that something would happen, so if he really did know why didn't he stop it? If he really didn't know than ok he couldn't do anything, but that's not the feeling I get from it. I donno I could be wrong. :)

    That guy.... hmmm I wouldn't really be surprised if it turns out to be him.

    akuma_river February 28, 2016 4:48 am
    I forgot about that part, but he still made it out like he knew that something would happen, so if he really did know why didn't he stop it? If he really didn't know than ok he couldn't do anything, but that's ... LadyWolf

    Well, if Makio is up in shady shit then it's probably a given that it would be dangerous for Wachi to follow him. So that's why he said that thing about him learning his lesson.

    I don't think he knew it would happen. I think he has a bit of a stalker/obsessive fan/friend who is pissed at Wachi and made his move.

    Like Makio said, if he did do it or set Wachi up for a beating he wouldn't have gotten hit in the face like he did. Especially, not how Wachi got hit in the head like that. It's way too risky. So it's someone who is personally pissed at Wachi for his attachment to Makio. Makio probably knows who did it but he has plans?

    At the end of the last chapter it shows us that Machio just so happened to have walked back to the area by the time a crowd arrived. He was probably attracted by the commotion and didn't know it was Wachi. Or he figured out it was Wachi but knew it wouldn't be smart to get close to him at that moment.

    Makio may be a sadist but it's mainly his emotional relationship to Wachi and testing him, but he honestly cares for Wachi. So I believe him.

    LadyWolf February 28, 2016 10:30 pm
    Well, if Makio is up in shady shit then it's probably a given that it would be dangerous for Wachi to follow him. So that's why he said that thing about him learning his lesson.I don't think he knew it would ha... akuma_river

    Now that I read what you wrote I have to say I agree. I think I may have been alot more sleepy than I thought I was when I was reading this last chapter. I kind of forgot/missed some things when I was writhing my post. lol

    Good thing you were replying to my post otherwise I'm not sure when I would have seen that I missed/forgot some things. Thanks!

    akuma_river February 29, 2016 5:52 am

    Yeah. That tends to happen to me too especially when it's been a long time since an update. I glanced at the previous chapter because I actually forgot what happened.

    So I quickly scrolled through it as I recalled what happened and then I was paying close attention to the attack because it feels OFF in some plot twist way.

    I thought it was weird how the guy was dressed and how baggy it was and we never saw how the guy looked, Wachi fought back, and then suddenly Wachi goes down and then he's rescued? Fishy. Especially since he was in alley a ways from the street.

    And there's that ending shot of Makio walking by the commotion since a bunch of people walking on the street stopped to gawk.

    LadyWolf March 1, 2016 1:49 am
    Yeah. That tends to happen to me too especially when it's been a long time since an update. I glanced at the previous chapter because I actually forgot what happened. So I quickly scrolled through it as I recal... akuma_river

    Yea I went back through it and re-read it and now I am like you. Something is up with all that. That guy was there way to soon, something is fishy about him. I thought that about him without even this whole part of it anyway. I just don't like him, there is something about him that just tells me he needs to go away.

    I still feel bad for Wachi though, cos Makio is not telling him anything at all, so there is way to many things for Wachi to think about what Makio is up to. In a way I think Makio may be doing something good, just can't say what is it because it can make things go wrong in alot of ways... though it's still not fair to Wachi. Just have to wait and see what comes up.

    akuma_river March 1, 2016 2:53 am
    Yea I went back through it and re-read it and now I am like you. Something is up with all that. That guy was there way to soon, something is fishy about him. I thought that about him without even this whole par... LadyWolf

    Yeah it's that 'something's off & I don't know why but I'm not trusting you' vibe. And the way he was just there at that party and mentioned how he came with a friend? Shady, so shady it's hinky.

    I was at first thinking that the friend was Makio but now I'm thinking it's a mark.

    I'm wondering if there is a good reason Makio isn't telling Wachi anything. Like he's protecting him or so forth.

    But here comes the attack by a Makio fan/stalker. So Maybe Makio was right to not say anything if Wachi knowing anything might have made the attack worse? It's hard to say.

    But continuing to keep quiet and not give any hints about anything is showing to Wachi that Makio doesn't trust him and that's putting stress on their relationship. How can one have a relationship if there is no trust? You don't, it fails apart.

    LadyWolf March 1, 2016 3:30 am
    Yeah it's that 'something's off & I don't know why but I'm not trusting you' vibe. And the way he was just there at that party and mentioned how he came with a friend? Shady, so shady it's hinky.I was at fi... akuma_river

    Yeah that's how it is.... I still wonder who his 'friend' was who he came with. Who knows if that question will be answered... I didn't think it was Makio when I read it, I didn't think of anyone really.

    I think Makio is trying to protect him, I just don't know what he is trying to protect him from. At one time when I was reading, (not sure when) I thought maybe Makio was undercover, but than as I thought about it more it didn't really seem like that's what it was. There is just not enough to really get a good idea to know what is really going on.

    I don't think Makio was right in not saying anything at all. I think he should have said something. Even if it wasn't alot, just enough to make it where Wachi didn't have to wonder so much. The more you try to hide things from people, the more that person is going to want to know and will try to find out.

    I think Makio got the idea that keeping everything from Wachi wasn't a good idea, because of the end of the last chapter, Wachi let him have an ear full and he was right, it seems like Makio doesn't trust him. if Makio keeps going like he is and not telling anything to Wachi their relationship will fall apart.

    akuma_river March 1, 2016 4:15 am
    Yeah that's how it is.... I still wonder who his 'friend' was who he came with. Who knows if that question will be answered... I didn't think it was Makio when I read it, I didn't think of anyone really.I think... LadyWolf

    Me too.

    Reason I was thinking Makio was the friend is because I'm thinking he's working with others on this thing he's doing and the attacker is one of them. Which is why when I had the idea that the rescuer is the attacker I was thinking Makio was the friend.

    Yeah, I think Makio should have said something. Then again, Wachi is obsessive about Makio so that might actually backfire and put him in more danger. I think it all depends on how much is shared and the way the information is conveyed to Wachi.

    LadyWolf March 2, 2016 7:49 pm

    I get it and it makes sense. I just didn't think of Makio as the friend myself. I'm not sure if we will ever know who the friend was.

    Yeah it could backfire, Makio will just have to be careful on what and how he tells him that's for sure. Let's just hope that Makio says something before he loses Wachi.

    akuma_river March 3, 2016 5:59 pm
    I get it and it makes sense. I just didn't think of Makio as the friend myself. I'm not sure if we will ever know who the friend was.Yeah it could backfire, Makio will just have to be careful on what and how he... LadyWolf

    Yeah, I'm not thinking Makio was the friend either anymore. Otherwise how did he beat Wachi home?

    I think the friend is either a fellow conman or a mark he's working.

    Oh yeah, Makio best say something as nothing is ruining their relationship.

    LadyWolf March 6, 2016 7:36 am
    Yeah, I'm not thinking Makio was the friend either anymore. Otherwise how did he beat Wachi home? I think the friend is either a fellow conman or a mark he's working.Oh yeah, Makio best say something as nothing... akuma_river

    Beat him home... Oh man I didn't even think of that part.

    That could be it, just have to wait and see what he is hiding.

    I agree! If he doesn't than I am going to go in the manga and hit him up side the head. lol

    akuma_river March 6, 2016 8:54 am
    Beat him home... Oh man I didn't even think of that part. That could be it, just have to wait and see what he is hiding. I agree! If he doesn't than I am going to go in the manga and hit him up side the head. l... LadyWolf

    Now we just have to anxious await the newest chapter.

LadyWolf January 2, 2016 6:32 pm

I say the kouhai should get the hell out of there as fast as he can and let the senpai wonder/worry about where his 'servant' went.... than maybe chase after him. The senpai is a real asshole, he just pissed me off.

    VolcanoFan1 January 28, 2016 8:25 am

    I'd do the same thing -- let the senpai work out his problem by himself, since nobody else can. No wonder that senpai cannot see the value of his kouhai, with a head stuck up his ass. :P

    LadyWolf January 28, 2016 11:59 pm
    I'd do the same thing -- let the senpai work out his problem by himself, since nobody else can. No wonder that senpai cannot see the value of his kouhai, with a head stuck up his ass. :P VolcanoFan1

    lol Yes it is up there pretty far too. :)

LadyWolf January 2, 2016 5:23 am

The seme just pissed me off in this one, he was going to cheat on his lover with his sex friend, but his lover comes home early and they make it out like all is ok cos he sex friend also has a lover... I don't think so.

The uke should have just walked away after saying all he did, because he was right... but no he doesn't.... I don't mind threesomes but this was just the seme and his sex friend making the uke do what they wanted... The seme just doesn't care about the uke he just wants the sex, and he doesn't care who it's with. That's now a lover at all.

I wish I read the comments before I stared reading this mange to know to skip ch 4.

LadyWolf May 5, 2015 8:28 am

Whats the point in dating someone if you are going to cheat on them, so what he wasn't going all the way with you, that's no reason to sleep with someone else! You were still getting something, right?

When he Tsubasa found out that Eiji was sleeping with others why with him, that part of the story was just stupid how it turned out. Even for a manga.

After all that was over with and they were a normal couple with no cheating anymore, they were a pretty cute couple.

    Vykki Q June 24, 2015 2:33 pm

    Exactly! !!! You say you love him but then you sleep with someone else as a substitute cause he won't go all the way?

    Venus June 27, 2015 4:40 am

    Once again Tsubasa was just 16y/o having sex with him is still a crime plus his lover considered him a bit immature for a sexual relationship...

    Mameiha August 7, 2015 1:07 am
    Once again Tsubasa was just 16y/o having sex with him is still a crime plus his lover considered him a bit immature for a sexual relationship... @Venus

    Precisely.It was Eiji that wanted to wait to have sex for Tsubasa's sake. Eiji, then would have had to be celibate for four years. That's like taking a starving man to a steak restaurant and only allowing him to eat salad. By foregoing monogamy for that time, Eiji was reducing the risk of physically hurting or emotionally scarring Tsubasa and becoming a criminal.

    hanako September 17, 2015 1:07 pm
    Precisely.It was Eiji that wanted to wait to have sex for Tsubasa's sake. Eiji, then would have had to be celibate for four years. That's like taking a starving man to a steak restaurant and only allowing him t... Mameiha

    LOL i love you :D :D

    Anonymous October 17, 2015 2:31 pm
    Precisely.It was Eiji that wanted to wait to have sex for Tsubasa's sake. Eiji, then would have had to be celibate for four years. That's like taking a starving man to a steak restaurant and only allowing him t... Mameiha

    Exactly, I wouldn't expect someone to be celibate that long. It's unreasonable. Same reason super long, long distance relationships never pan out, because you can only be sexless for so long once you've already had a taste of it...

    Anonymous October 17, 2015 2:33 pm
    LOL i love you :D :D hanako

    Actually it would have been 6 years if he waited till Tsubasa was 20, which is the legal age in Japan, (f they were in America it would only be 18), and they'd already been dating 2 years when the story started and he said he was 16 so...

LadyWolf April 24, 2015 2:59 am

He better find a way to get out of the mess he is in with that slutty little bitch.. He already has Rin, this little shit can just go down a hole and stay there!

    strawberrymochi102 June 25, 2015 7:48 am


LadyWolf April 6, 2015 8:11 am

Assholes the both of them, they never gave a crap about Honami, or they wouldn't have kept doing that to him, if they felt any quilt at all about cheating and hurting Honami than they wouldn't have kept doing it time and time again. Saying they love Honmai that they cared about him, bullcrap! Shouji and Terumi where only caring about each other and no one else.

Honami should never had stay friends with them, he should have just been happy with Han and never let Shouji and Terumi know he was happy. Let them keep thinking he was still hurting and let them keep "feeling guilty" that they were hurting him why they were together.

They don't get to feel happy together after what they did to their best friend and lover.

It would be funny if what they did to Honmi they did to each other as well... I would so love to see that! :)

LadyWolf March 30, 2015 3:54 am

This wasn't really to bad, I kind of liked it, but it did get annoying alot of times and part just pissed you off.

Alot of the times I got annoyed is when it came to her and her brother. I didn't like her brother, he was just messed up, Well the prince was kind of messed up to, but anyway..... she was really stupid alot of the times. How can you just not think about your brother wanting you in a way that is not brotherly? Are you that stupid? Oh and don't forget what he almost did to you in the bathroom! Oh but it's ok after all he is your brother.... there is something wrong with her.

All in all I can't say I loved this one, but I can't say it was all that bad, it did have alot of drama in it, and alot of stupid people, but it wasn't to bad of a read, if it was, I wouldn't have read all of it. :)

    1nsn0tku September 1, 2015 5:58 am

    u need to read to the very end~ the ending is the best part

LadyWolf March 12, 2015 4:57 am

This one seems like they are going to keep forcing Shin till he falls for both of them. I do think he likes them just he's not sure about how his like is right now, but forcing Shin like this is not the way to go. Why would you force someone to say they like you? How does that make you feel good?

For both of them to say they like Shin and do this to him, that's not love that's just wanting to have sex and they are only doing it by force, what the heck?

I'm not sure how I am going to feel about this manga as it goes on, just right now I'm not a big fan of this one. I have read ones with rape in them and all, but there is just something about this one that I just don't like all that much right now.

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