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Tang bo... NGL I cried while reading about their strong friendship and how chung myung couldn't get over his friends death "Tang bo" in the novel.

Dark created a topic of Home Plate Villain

The last panel kinda looked like a BL or something .

Dark asked a question

I remember reading a bl manga about a sadist that beats his masochists partners so bad that they don't sleep with him no more, and his crush from highschool -I think- confessed to him that he liked him, so they started dating and he tried his best not to show his sadist side, but he couldn't take so they broke up but stayed as friends, then someone attacked his ex and stabbed him with a knife then all he wished for is for him to be okay and they got together and he somehow lost his sadist side and felt good with normal sex or smthn?? HELP I CAN'T REMEMBER THE MANGA'S NAME!!

Dark created a topic of Under the Green Light

Omg his smile is so frickin Cuuttee I can't (ノ`Д´)ノ彡┻━┻

Dark created a topic of Juvenile Offender
Dark created a topic of Joshi Bl
Dark created a topic of Reincarnator (Manhwa)
Dark created a topic of Standard of Reincarnation

Y'all are weird, first you said that his hair was ugly and looked like seaweed, now that he had a haircut u want the old hair back?!!??

Dark created a topic of Me and my gangster neighbour

Just finished reading this and damn.... I'm in tears༎‿༎

Dark created a topic of SSS-Class Suicide Hunter

I can't wait I'm already impatient (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

His mind is as dirty as ours LOL

Dark created a topic of Paperbag-kun is in love


Dark created a topic of Debut or Die


It was long journey guys, and thay finally got married, I'm sooo happy that I'm crying so hard(╥﹏╥) we feel u fujisaki and ur also living our dream.

Dark created a topic of Under the Green Light

Aaahhhhh I can't, they're so cute (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻