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Guys who will maythan end up with? Cause if it was the duke imma die out of frustration (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Dark created a topic of Dead man Switch

Ok, at this point the seme needs someone to beat the shit out of him to get his shit together, I thought I got the plot of this story but now I'm confused af.

Edit: so I read the spoilers and omg... Dude you have the absolute right to be unhinged..

Dark created a topic of Brother, am I cute??

He's gonna be an artist, I can smell the plot

Dark created a topic of SSS-Class Suicide Hunter

The art in this chapter is soooo pretty I can't (っ˘╭╮˘)っ, also their relationship is so cute and adorable like wth

I'm not the same as I was before reading this manga.. I really want to see the wedding chapter (༎ ෴ ༎)

Dark created a topic of Love Interest Zone

"DO IT!!!" is the right answer dummy (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Dark created a topic of SSS-Class Suicide Hunter

Who's cutting onions, bring za butler back

Dark created a topic of Murim Login

Nooo don't log out, I somehow love this world more ( ⚈⌢⚈)

Dark created a topic of SSS-Class Suicide Hunter
Dark created a topic of Rescue System
Dark created a topic of Brother, am I cute??

Fuck, this is the time when I regret having very weak bahasa.

Dark created a topic of Rescue System

Okay they're cute ༼ つ ◕‿◕ ༽つ

Dark created a topic of Juvenile Offender