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serena (byeon) created a topic of Waterside Night


serena (byeon) created a topic of Gig of the Day

I hate this chapter so much, taeseo is like a fat uncle in a train groping his victim and yeomin is so precious and naive like wtf man.

serena (byeon) created a topic of 1 to 10
serena (byeon) created a topic of True Education

I'm really speechless... So cool

serena (byeon) created a topic of Paper Flower

he really surprised that he refused HAHAHHA

I don't know but im crying, I just want to see the smile of those children even now I want to see the smiling face of shigaraki not like his normal smile but the genuine one. I want everyone to survive. I love MHA so much

serena (byeon) created a topic of One Piece

I really like the elders powers, it's cool

I really love the way they communicate with each other and don't afraid to speak what they feels, I really love them and im so excited for season 3. I hope they are more stronger despite all this drama coming.

I don't understand anything tf but thank you that user explain everything. It's interesting tho, just little do more about translation but it's okay.

serena (byeon) created a topic of Paper Flower

He really ask why the uke think about death!!! you stupid CP.

why everything can't be like before huhu, I miss the smile of those children.

serena (byeon) created a topic of Double Trap

after 80 years, thank you for the meal