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I knew we were going to finish this... Why you ask? Cause they finally fucked on a BED.

Yep, the bed was a metaphor all along of their end goal (being with each other). You're welcome.
(And yeah, if you reread it, the bed came closer and closer as the story went on)

Elaphae created a topic of Tender Night

Wow, the MC can't even catch a break... Poor man.

Elaphae answered question about made a discord server A French song about breaking up. I'll give you the translation of the lyrics just here I feel like this answer is chaotic good
Elaphae created a topic of Backlight

The ML is a piece of work... Or of shit.

Elaphae created a topic of HUNGRY SOULS

Well, the seme was a dickhead. And I'm sorry, his fight against the perv won't make it even. He was a fuckin' dickhead

Elaphae created a topic of PASSION

Mannnn... They forgot she has a really jealous fiance no? He's gonna go berserk if he finds out lmao

Elaphae created a topic of Isabela

the art really is something... Makes me think of French comics

Elaphae created a topic of Backyard Guest

looked interesting but the translation is... well, in French, we would call it claquƩ au sol.

It's stupid... She could just wait for him to die and take the peach. "I have power upon you"? hum, no dude, she can just wait.

Elaphae created a topic of Dear, Teddy Bear

Fuck off... Seriously, what's wrong with these people?

Elaphae created a topic of Written in the stars

annnnnnd... that's it for me.

Elaphae created a topic of Devil on Top

Well, if the author were to notice their work is on manago and ask to never update it again, I think I won't miss it.
I mean BDSM okay but... Violence, raw deepthroat without any kind of consent? Piss play? Ain't no way. I don't want to see rape being romanticised again.

Elaphae created a topic of Dear My Master

I'm sorry but the dynamics... I love that they keep it in the bedroom and that they can build a real relationship and build up trust within each other just because of their personalities. It makes it so real

Elaphae created a topic of Retired Demon King

I can't... that's so funny ahah

I'm so sad for the girl he's fucking... Man, what a mess... She's cute too.

Elaphae created a topic of Comes In Threes

Whaaaa... Every fuckin' men around him are batshit crazy... Poor man...