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✨mouse✨ answered question about question
sometimes i like to read hot garbage just so i can complain about said hot garbage, sue me
✨mouse✨ answered question about draw yaoi
✨mouse✨ answered question about question
some of you bitches probably need to be drinking more water with ur stank piss that could melt metal
✨mouse✨ answered question about question
what is even going on rn? i always feel 85 on this website
✨mouse✨ answered question about got caught by mom
i’m not taking these stupid tests anymore
✨mouse✨ answered question about draw yaoi
good for you
✨mouse✨ answered question about stay at home for several days
ok (1) don’t mention you’re age anymore on this website if ur a minor (2) i’m calling the police for you cuz omg no adult should be talking or treating you like that (3) i think of pretty privilege more as when hot people do bad things but get away with it cuz they’re conveniently attractive (ie most BL male leads)
✨mouse✨ answered question about stay up too late reading yaoi
i’m blanking on everything i’ve read but i just finished this story today and LOVED it, the main couple were so cute and i laughed a lot throughout this story
✨mouse✨ answered question about have a normie friend
was hoping Seungho was gonna die at the end anyways glad that nasty ass BL is over with
✨mouse✨ answered question about live in omegaverse universe
aren’t you talking about something you don’t like rn tho?
✨mouse✨ answered question about live in omegaverse universe
someone in their late 20s to early 30s, or even in their mid 20s, has absolutely NO BUSINESS being with an 18 year old i’m 24 and i cannot even FATHOM being with someone younger than 22
✨mouse✨ answered question about question
i never really used omegle but i did use kik during its peak and that did more damage to me than any other social media combined
✨mouse✨ answered question about things u do when ur sad
no exactly what i’m saying
✨mouse✨ answered question about have delusional thoughts
some of them cannot even function day to day without thinking about two men having sex with each other
✨mouse✨ answered question about have delusional thoughts
idk about all that but Hange is mine
✨mouse✨ answered question about have delusional thoughts
i always use MC/ML but what’s even weirder than them calling a fictional character by their position is when they use that shit irl like tf do you mean do i think that person is the seme or the uke???
✨mouse✨ answered question about question
i like your funny words magic man!
✨mouse✨ answered question about question
i have to kill him (this is part 12783829 in my ongoing beef with takumi ichinose)
✨mouse✨ answered question about favorite movie