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✨mouse✨ answered question about question
these questions today porn can become a problem, lots of people can become addicted to it (just like you can become addicted to a lot of other things) and that can feed into their everyday life i think it’s all about communication with your partner and where your boundaries are, for some people it’s okay and for others its not
✨mouse✨ answered question about live in omegaverse universe
“not trying to offend or disrespect anyone” but continues to do that in this post and their responses to people… okay
✨mouse✨ answered question about live in omegaverse universe
this question is crazy, we could literally ask the same thing about women reading BL also POV?? tf do u mean POV
✨mouse✨ answered question about have not been okay at all
not to ~trauma dump~ but after i learned my parents died i got taken to the hospital with broken heart syndrome and legitimately thought i was having a heart attack, shit is very real
✨mouse✨ answered question about have not been okay at all
i’m lost, why wont you watch boyxgirl together? what would you be grossed out by?
✨mouse✨ answered question about question
this is me I DID NOT PAINT THIS!! GO FOLLOW @dayrisfelix on insta and buy their works from etsy if you can
✨mouse✨ answered question about question
damn that’s crazy, anyways
✨mouse✨ answered question about question
this shit SUCKS, i dropped it after that season 1 ending
✨mouse✨ answered question about question
if we’re talking ones we read when we were younger then definitely the Finder series, started reading that when i was in middle school and i LOVED that shit and i recently reread and oh my god it’s disgusting
✨mouse✨ answered question about chat about anything
being super sexy and making people feel bad that they can’t be as sexy as me
✨mouse✨ answered question about question
guideverse??? what the hell is going on
✨mouse✨ answered question about question
✨mouse✨ answered question about question
i’m ngl i had to read this like 4 times to understand what’s going on but i have covid so my brain fog is insane rn you’re not the asshole he seems annoying af, i honestly would’ve blocked him after all that
✨mouse✨ like the answer
“He’s just a kid” excuse can’t hold up after 5+ books of crazy ass behavior
✨mouse✨ answered question about dying by laughter
this pedo, why tf is he 26 and messing with a 15 year old??? disgusting