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Ayumi13 created a topic of Part-Time Partner

The seme pisses me off to no end, I want him to fall first but given some of the spoilers below I guess not :/

Ayumi13 created a topic of Pink to Habanero

You know.. I ain’t even mad- let the jealousy arc begin

The alpha frustrated me, liek plz do some research, there’s a reason why he doesn’t want you around!

Ayumi13 created a topic of Cat Boys!

No but chika bf needs to take some initiative !
Put the ring on him yourself!

Ayumi13 created a topic of A well known love affair


I will always make time for you ?!?! YA HAD ME GUSHHING SO CUTTEE


I love them

Join his guild tho lol

Am I the only one who REALLY likes his hair?!
The reason I started reading it was cuz of his unique hairstyle lmaoooo
He should keep it, and he obvi likes it because he feels the most comfortable in it~

Hahah he’s sooo cute, so unaware of his feelings, and he’s being so clingy hahaha

Alsoooo, unpopular opinion? The ex-gf is so valid in her feelings- he prob was a terrible bf to her, because he didn’t have the feelings like he does for the seme.
And when you have shitty relationships, you’re gonna say some mean things-
Heck if my partner was telling me all the things I did wrong when I’m stressed about an essay id fkin cry and be like he shouldn’t date anyone either
Personally don’t think ppl should date if they don’t have the emotional capacity for one (with some exceptions), but I’m glad our oddball is finally gaining some emotions!

Ayumi13 created a topic of Love in Orbit


Hope this is Sohans wake up call cuz he already came to terms with his mother and accepts the fact that she is happy which I think gives him closure.

Ayumi13 created a topic of Cat Boys!

Are they all ukes because of the title?
Also tall one needs to get laid lol

Ayumi13 created a topic of Marriage of Convenience

Ooooohh mofo got his hands chopped offfffff

That was surprising but also satisfying

Ayumi13 created a topic of The Demon Leader's Lover

He better not make uke take the veil off, if seme wants the veil off, he better do it himself

Ayumi13 created a topic of PASSION

Tay acts like he’s irrelevant
Hunnnnn, Ilay is obsessed with ya, even if he’s terrible at communicating his feelings
You’re the only one in his mind that truly matters

Ayumi13 created a topic of Slammer Dogs

Y’all- obvi this is no gonna be some cute story with consent so I don’t get some of the comments you can tell by how the story was progressing
This genre is not for you- let ppl enjoy their fiction

Pretty sure there’s other stories you can enjoy

Also that belly buldge.. guilty pleasure

Oof thag hurt… even I would want tot distance myself from him cuz of the words

Tanaka is cute but needs more awareness

Ayumi13 created a topic of CUFFED!

This story is getting me more annoyed than anything lmao..
Cop needs a redemption arc bad

Ayumi13 created a topic of Cupid in the Rainbow Trap

Bruh pinky is so annoying
You both legit like each other
Guess Mun likes to take care of a child

I’m with blondie seme, his annoyance is valid

They’re both valid in their feelings lol
But what naui said was harsh

Hopefully they talk to out soon

Okay… that was kinda attractive and hot… liek Brett out here snatching all the alphas left and right-
I wouldn’t mind a threesome lmao

The black haired is a uke? Nicceeee sign me uppp

Ayumi13 created a topic of Dirty High

Honestly, it’s Josh who needs to communicate and talk to Angel!
Angel is waiting for him and not knowing what’s on Josh’s mind