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Ayumi13 asked a question


why can’t I see any manga/Webtoons listed when I go to tags and click on certain genres— and when I click on “ok go” NOTHING SHIWS?!?!

Like no manga/webtoon shows up?!?! And that’s how I get the latest updates on my shit!!!


Ayumi13 created a topic of The Millennial Tiger -

Ngl… the bby tiger and crown prince is kinda cute as a couple and the prince seems so sweet to him
Lmao but I just know the hunter is the ML- just given how the story started so I’m confused why ppl are confused lol

Taerim… honestly, I get why he’s like that but…. I kinda want him out the pic

Also the backstory is so sad :(((( just wanna hug bby tiger… also the dad is not his actual dad? Is it becuae the dad was just the god of the mountain and everyone just calls him dad? Did I get that righr?

Also does the bby tiger and prince fuck?

Ayumi13 created a topic of Waterside Night


Ughhhh euihyunnn is soooo precious!!! Tae you better treat him right!!!!

Ayumi13 created a topic of unprecedented

Lmaoooo it looks like he hates pineapples on pizza

Ayumi13 created a topic of Young Master

Lmaooo okay so in the raws I thought the caption of the brewery might’ve been Evan but just disguised
I was wrong

Ayumi13 created a topic of A well known love affair


Ayumi13 created a topic of Love Sick Dog

Omg mittens was so cute, he seemed more like puppy tryna be a master

Ayumi13 created a topic of Love in Orbit

Omfff hope they communicate

Also… what’s wrong with the translation?

Ayumi13 created a topic of The Demon Leader's Lover

The uke fam can go fuck themsleves…
Ugh it’s too glossed over, I hope they suffer

Also I like the leaders brother, he seems like a good match for the mc too

Ayumi13 created a topic of One Night Only

Omggg yessss
He’s so cute!

Ayumi13 created a topic of INDOMITABLE CHAMPION

I need raws, please. Anyone?

Ayumi13 created a topic of Waterside Night

Ch. 81- omff the bath scene he’s so anxious

Omgggggg he’s fallin for the seemmmeeeee

Sorry but all of this could be avoided if he had just told her his feelings, instead of having her try to guess. Why play these mind games?
BUT OMMGG THEY CONFESSED AND KISSED! Damn I didn’t think it would be this soon !
And finally!! The dad showing some sort of care!!

Also… who is Paul again lmao

On one hand… I get it why would you do this without informing the other person…
But on the other hand… omg to have someone open a business for ya and have every financial aspect covered and all you gotta do is reap the rewards? Omfff I wiisshhh

Also, I feel like.. there hasn’t been much progress, I need something to move forward esp from mokhwa, he’s like a wall… so indifferent— not love or hate just… meh..

Like I get why but also… it feel like it’s in a stalemate

Ayumi13 created a topic of Define The Relationship

Wait are there side stories?!?!

Ayumi13 created a topic of Wolf in The Cage

The ring leader needs to go

Ayumi13 created a topic of Love in Orbit

Did he just.., discover his own awareness of his existence? lol love that for him

Also not the comment section saying he deserved to be clawed?! Liek tf??

I disagree… the wall I get but not clawing him bloody… the dad in the other hand.. understandable