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nogodonlymanga June 4, 2021 6:42 am

so i spent my day off binge reading tokyo revengers aaaaaaand when i tell you i lost count of how many times i mentally threw my phone in both frustration and/or excitement, i am not lying. i actually did throw my phone when i saw draken cry (if you read you know what i'm talking about). anyway with that being said, i need to fill the void that catching up has caused so if y'all have recs for exciting, soulcrushing plots with meaningful character relationships please do tell. the angstsier, the better.

nogodonlymanga January 13, 2021 4:22 am

okay i just read true beauty and the best part about it for me was THE FITS (specifically seojun my stylish baby). have y'all read other webtoons where the outfits are always on ten?

nogodonlymanga January 13, 2021 1:24 am

I have my friends username but i'm not sure how to get to their profile so i can follow them

    plagueee7 January 13, 2021 1:29 am

    alri so here’s an example of what you’d do (im gonna b using ur username but when u do this replace it with theirs)

    google search:
    nogodonlymanga mangago

    and some tabs should pull up, either the account or comments or whatever. if comments pull up just direct to their profile. you can also have them follow u so u get the notif and see their profile like that.

nogodonlymanga November 10, 2020 1:15 pm

I really liked Lucia. I wanna find more strong female leads in isekai/reincarnation settings that are a liiiiiil bit smutty. just a tad. i know y'all got more recs for me!

I also liked Beware of the Brothers, I am a Child of this House, and Suddenly Became a Princess One Day so cute recs w those kinda feels are also appreciated.


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