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Eliza created a topic of Toxin

Emperor probably fell in love at first sight, cause why is he acting like this lmao. And the uke…he’s probably just tired and delirious…like what is it with the complete 180?

To be fair this maneja is called toxin so…I guess it makes sense in many ways.

I feel like y’all are tripping in this comment section. Like the ML ain’t THAT bad. Like this is a low tier trash ML. Like I’m sure y’all have read much worse, at least I have.

Anyway I hope Irene actually rejects him and I hope she doesn’t forgive him easily. Like please! I love seeing ML’s get rejected and heartbroken, especially the trashy ones.

Eliza created a topic of The Mafia Nanny

Maybe it’s cause we’re only 30 chapters in but I just feel like Davina and Gabriel don’t have any chemistry and I just don’t see them ever being together romantically??? Or am I crazy. Like for me all the sweet moments seem kinda forced? I just don’t feel the sparks ya know? Idk maybe it’s just me and I’m tripping

Eliza created a topic of My Beloved Oppressor

You know what, I’ll say it. If Annette was a real person, y’all would hate her. I’m not defending anyone btw just an observation. It’s just interesting because there’s some similarities to what’s happening in this story to real life situations/people. And irl like I said before Annette would be hated and Heiner would be getting the support. Heiner’s behavior towards Annette would legit be written off as “karma” for her family’s deep history of oppression. It’s just so interesting…

Y’all know that feeling where you want the uke to hurt the seme cause the seme has been a completely shitty person? Well This is one of those manwhas but why do I get the feeling that we’re not gonna get that in this story …inseob is just too…soft (spineless). like I just don’t understand how Inseob could just forgot and forgive everything he did????

I feel so bad for him, like the gaslighting is crazy lmao

Eliza created a topic of Backlight

the second hand embarrassment I got reading this chapter…

Also seo in makes it very hard to like him. Like his personality just ain’t it. Like that is a child inside a grown man’s body.

You know despite this chapter being sad, I’m actually happy. This is the FIRST time in this manwha that I feel confident that he will be the ML. Like I’m 99.9% sure that he’ll be the ML now. Before I was 50/50 with him and the blonde. I was always indecisive on who I thought the ML would be, until now. Someone please tell me they feel this too and that I’m not delusional lmao

Actually…I wouldn’t mind them going to her world. That would be interesting tbh like imagine the duke in Korea lol

Also the duke said all the right things ╥﹏╥

Eliza created a topic of Flip the script

I’m gonna do a little foreshadowing here but who wants to bet that the seme is gonna end up being the clingy and possessive one? lol like I hope he falls harder fr

Eliza created a topic of Toxin

Well god damn the emperor hates half breeds but the man is already this obsessed??? The kisses? The horn licking?? Already sleeping with uke after sex??? Avoiding his duties to continue having sex? Asking uke to wait in his bed chambers???

Also I feel so bad for the uke. I know he’s never gonna get full on revenge considering this is yaoi and we all know how this will most likely go but I hope that he’s able to get SOME revenge at least.

Eliza created a topic of Altruistic Warrior

Oh wow, I was not expecting to like this as much as I did. Can’t wait to get more chapters


I sound like a broken record but I must say it again. WHAT are these proportions!? I know it’s yaoi but still. Also why are they both so damn muscular? You would think they spend 10 years in the battlefield but they are OFFICE WORKERS. Like damn. I never thought I would say this, but I feel very fatigued with the smut on this one. Like let’s hope they put on their damn clothes these next chapters, I don’t wanna see them nude. It’s a shame cause the art is beautiful but only when they have clothes on, which is crazy.


Idk why but this chapter pissed me off.

Eliza created a topic of My Beloved Oppressor

Damn I like seeing that mf suffer. I know his heart dropped out of his ass when he realized Annette was by herself in a locked room. Also am I the only one who doesn’t want her to die? like I want to see her happy ╥﹏╥

Ngl this story would’ve been better with the og FL. Like think about it. The og female leads country lost the war and she was given to the enemy to be a wife. It’s understandable why the og FL hated her husband. And I think it would’ve been better with this plot. Like it could’ve been a psychological manwha. The wife hates her husband while her husband fell in love with her at first sight. The FL is suffering from losing her country and the ML is in agony because the one he loves will never love him.

Could’ve been such a good tragedy manwha

Eliza created a topic of Wish You All the Best

Saein looked so done with the prosecutor this chapter. I’m glad that he’s finally starting to look out for himself. Also it seems that he’s gonna run away in 3 months!? I can’t wait omg. I need that prosecutor bitch to suffer

Eliza created a topic of Toxin

I for one can’t wait for the emperor to become obsessed with our MC and then getting angry when he finds out about our mc and his brother. I love mess

Very random but the ML has very pretty eyes. They look so warm and kind but you can also see how broken he is through them.

Eliza created a topic of 2020

Just binge read the available chapters and I actually like this. Also I was not expecting seme to be such a green flag? I’m surprised.