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Eliza created a topic of Profundis

Damn it was dark already but why do I have a feeling things are gonna get a lot more depressing. Like he did everything for his brother and now he’s gone…like he’s truly alone now.

Eliza created a topic of Backlight

Man…both uke and seme piss me off for different reasons.

Also who is this handsome hyung, and what role will you have sir y’all saw the way he grabbed him at the end! I’m getting excited.

Eliza created a topic of Waterside Night

He mad as fuck

Eliza created a topic of Backlight

The seme really only cares about himself and his own pleasure. I know he’s a red flag but still…it was Uke’s first time.

Also I don’t understand uke, like I know he likes seme but I simply don’t understand how someone would allow themselves to be dragged around and treated like that. Lowkey, he has no self respect.

Eliza created a topic of Jinx

So it’s possible that season two will come out next year? we’re not even halfway through the year omg. This is not my my first time waiting for a new season but it hurts every time oh boy…well I’ll see y’all in some months.

Eliza created a topic of Lee Seop's Romance


Y’all have no idea how much I laughed this chapter. Like it was just nipples everywhere and the length of them…I- LMAO y’all I’m sorry I can’t like does the author have a nipple kink

But on a serious note. Look the art is gorgeous, just look at those faces! But I think the artist might struggle drawing body proportions. And I’m not just talking about those odd looking nipples. Unless this is all a stylistic choice??? Which okay…i can look past this since like I said before, the faces are gorgeous and I’m a sucker for pretty faces.

Eliza created a topic of Jinx

His ass really didn’t expect Dan to quit after all the shit he was saying and how he treated him? Like be for real. Also I got great satisfaction seeing his expressions when he realized he was actually gone. And if Jaekyung ask for him to return, I hope Dan rejects the proposal until this mf redeems himself or something.

Also what do you mean season 1 finale? does anyone know if the author has said anything about season 2 yet?

Eliza created a topic of My Beloved Oppressor

This is genuinely such a good manwha. Like yes the ML is trash but that doesn’t mean the story is bad. I know people usually drop these manwha’s and give low ratings when the ML is this trashy but I actually like how the characters are written. Like trashy MLs ≠ bad manwha. Like this manwha genuinely makes my heart ache.

Anyway I can’t wait for the next chapters.

I actually like both Han Jeongwoon and Lee Jaehyun. Like I don’t think I favor one over the other. I like her interactions with both of them too. However, I do feel that Han Jeongwoon is the ML…it’s just a feeling. I’m happy with either being the ML but I’m still sad for the one that won’t be the ML tbh I really like both of them.


I personally like Ari. She’s a good FL and idk what y’all are on. She is strong and smart. And of course she also has her flaws, she’s a human not an emotionless robot. Like I think it was pretty obvious that she’s a hopeless romantic. And her wanting to be loved probably clouds her judgement. And like how can I be mad at that? Let’s see how she responds to this problem before y’all start judging. Let’s also not forget that Alphonso wants this relationship with her as much as she does, if not more. Which is why he got impatient and made the MISTAKE of telling the princess that he would not marry her. Like if y’all wanna blame someone, blame him lmao

Eliza created a topic of Wish You All the Best

So uhhh what just happened??? Did they knot or what? Also why do I get the feeling that the uke is gonna get pregnant.

Mmm I actually really like this manwha but something has been bothering me and I just could never put my finger on it until now. Someone said it but they have physical chemistry but no emotional chemistry. Maybe it’s because we never get to see what the seme is thinking? But also uke’s interest in seme has been purely physical. Like maybe I have a bad memory but anytime he’s talked about his crush on him, it’s all based on his body and not him as a person.

I hate to say it (not really) but I need another character (maybe the red head ) to show romantic interest in uke Lmao Idk I just feel like something needs to happen that triggers an emotional connection between uke and seme. Like they need to go through some turbulence.

Eliza created a topic of Melting Into You

It’s not the best BEST story out there but I did like it. And I definitely recommend if you’re looking for something to binge read.

Eliza created a topic of A Terrible Romance

This manwha is just face palm after face palm. lol I know i shouldn’t be shocked anymore but I am.

First, woojin…COME ON. This sounds bad but I want him to end up with Minho. Like they deserve each other. And Minho…I think he actually likes woojin??? If I’m reading correctly, he used to be affectionate at one point in their relationship, so what changed? The best possible scenario is him having a wake up call and then him and woojin having a good relationship. Like Minho is just unnecessarily cruel and he knows it, cause why is it that before he says anything he actually kinda hesitates (I know y’all see his hands).

Next, poor Taehwan he deserves so much better. I was thinking that him and that girl look cute together. And she seems nice. I want them to end up together.

Eliza created a topic of Into The Horizon

I’m sorry but I just don’t like the black haired guy. He’s gives off “if you try to leave me, I’ll cripple you”. Like idk the dude is a creep.

Now I understand that the sunbae is an ass but I can see character development happening.

And also for those of you saying that the sunbae is abusive and that’s why the black hair is better…did we read the same story? Y’all telling me the the black hair isn’t trying to isolate him? He intentionally hurt the sunbae???hes high key manipulative….like???? Hello are those not major red flags? Like the uke didn’t even realize his father and step mom weren’t coming home…black hair is weird af and not in a good way imo

Eliza created a topic of Yours to Claim

I was never team Cain or team Yawhi but for some reason I feel like this was a manwha with a sad ending. It felt like the mc didn’t end up with the ML. Like I get it, Yawhi was Jooins first love but with the way the story was going I felt like jooin should’ve fallen in love with Cain….like it just would’ve made SO much sense. Plus Yawhi’s and jooins reunion felt forced. Like them ending up together was just because the author felt like they should end up together but the story plot just wasn’t agreeing…man idk. Kinda disappointed.