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JaReader created a topic of Missing Love

This is distressing and hard to read the rape scene over and over that Geom is suffering from. It is so scary that someone can just be taken like that and forced into prostitution. A really scary and helpless situation. In real life this is happening to someone out there given human trafficking is happening around the world.

Everytime I read something about Mo ran overlooked or blandly ignore things that shizun did for him while busy flirting and courting his shi mei just pissed me off. I hate how easily shizun always forgives him. My heart ache for shizun...

JaReader created a topic of Instant Family

I am getting disgusted by everyone in the story except for poor sejun.

JaReader created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

My heart goes out to Cirrus in chapter 101. Both may have their own trauma and wrong doings, still Skylar shouldn't have said something so hurtful when he is the one who wanted to date in the first place. Like I have mentioned before, I would have end the relationship right there. But Cirrus was held hostage by his abandonment issues hence, was desperate. Moreover, Cirrus felt he only have skylar hence, the desperation. As for skylar, cirrus does not held such importance in his heart. They are both no good for each other. As per mentioned before, Cirrus is really better off not involve with anyone. As he always get hurt by people he love and that can really kill.

JaReader created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

Cirrus needs to stop getting involve with anyone to avoid getting hurt further. He had enough. Everyone he loves hurt him. Skylar did not even blink when he said hurtful things to Cirrus despite knowing his trauma [In the next chapter. If someone said that to me, I would have end the relationship right away]. The truth is, everyone only love themselves and care about their own feelings.

Skylar came into Cirrus life during his lowest point. And Cirrus felt he had no one else except for skylar, but skylar did not feel the same way. Just too painful to imagine what damage it can do to Cirrus if skylar decided to leave.

JaReader created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

No one there for him when he needs it. The psychological damage going to stay with him for life. People change in real life. They come and go. Am sure there is someone out there like cirrus. It's going to be hard if someone he came to become dependent on decided to leave.

Due to the law, being held hostage by the moral conscience, not executing the murderer on the spot leads to more death of innocent people. How silly is that? Doing the right thing isn't necessary always right.

JaReader created a topic of Gig of the Day

Why do they have to bully Yeomin... Baby is depressed now.. Officially became a toy boy... Seme said he not interested in dating. Only want no string attached relationship. Yeomin have abandonment issues hence, agree to continue such relationship with seme. Aside from seme, now his tuition student also want to bully him... ( T T ) I guess in a story, there has to be more than one bastards.

JaReader created a topic of Bones

No update since 2023. Dropped?

JaReader created a topic of Someone Like You

The colleague is getting heartburn from the way Han acts in public. LOL.

JaReader created a topic of Wish You All the Best

The seme is a abusive sadist. Uke is groomed into accepting his abusive sex. He have slept with countless omegas. Yet, asked uke to make wish to only take his dick and no one else. How possessive and selfish. Given how he has been threatening and abusing uke, he is not a red but a black flag.

JaReader created a topic of Jinx

The coach told Jaekyung something. He seems surprised by it. My guess is baby quit and also many gym members has left.

JaReader created a topic of Into the Rose Garden

If this asshole want someone obedient and to boost his ego he should just get a dog. It's pathetic that he has such fraglie self esteem that he had to make Arok pay for it.

JaReader created a topic of Hua Hua You Long

Dropped. Not into rough sex + rape. Blood puts me off.

Chaeheon is so darn hot. Raw chapters 36 onwards they are going at it. Steamy hot!

JaReader created a topic of The Alpha's Circumstances

Great both of them are cheating on each other. How lovely. LOL~

JaReader created a topic of The Alpha's Circumstances

It just doesnt make sense that he kept jumping the professor whenever he sees him. Zero will power despite his claim of loving his beta boyfriend. He does not sincerely love him. If he did, he will not act like a dog in heat all the time when he was with the professor.

JaReader created a topic of Paper Flower

I noticed a similarity in such toxic stories that authors like to create. The bottom will always go back to the toxic seme just because he has changed. That does not undo what he has done. Also the green flag guys always end up not getting the man. Sometimes, I wish there is a different ending. Let the green flag guy have his happy ending for once for god sake.

JaReader created a topic of Limited Run

The lord here looking real charming and handsome. I like this version of him better. ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

JaReader created a topic of Waterside Night

He is pretty violent for a omega. LOL~
Omega = violent & Alpha = Pervert. They are a perfect match.