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Mistress_RA May 28, 2024 4:22 pm

The hate for Tak is a bit excessive lol. I know a lot of people may not be fond of this comment but what can I say I love playing devil's advocate lol. For those who don't like spoilers don't read. Going to talk about Tak n Sanho. Also excuse if it seems like I'm rambling at some point. The culprit is horrible insomnia. My sleep patterns are all over the place, lol. Meaning I don't sleep much.
So... I see all the hate on Tak but to be fair he really doesn't deserve it because we can clearly see the difference in how Tak treats Sanho vs everyone else, which for him is their close friends and his brother/family. Tak's brother also gave an indication of how Tak's personality is no nonsense with back story and the difference in how Tak treats Sanho vs everyone else. Indicating that Tak wouldn't even give Sanho the time of day if there were no feelings involved. I mean if you pay attention Tak tries, in his way and with the best of intentions, to be accommodating by changing his sexual behaviors because Sanho complained. Tak also admits it when Sanho gets mad because Tak doesn't admit he has feelings for him. Tak really had no clue when it came to matters of the heart. The only emotion I observed was frustration with Sanho. (It's a thin line between love and hate, lol).
What everyone need to see is that Tak seems to have some sort of emotional blindness. And it literally takes Tak's twin brother to point out Tak's emotional attachment to Sanho. Pointing out if there wasn't one Tak's personality, normally for him, wouldn't allow a person as annoying as Sanho can be into his space if he had no emotional attachment, especially for as long as it's been. After thinking about it Tak calls Sanho saying he misses him. And you can clearly see Sanho's reactions that it's very out of character for Tak to be so forthcoming with his feelings. Thinking Tak must be drunk lol. But nonetheless Tak asks Sanho to wait for him. Now that I think about it I can't even recall if Tak's sexual experiences was with anyone else besides Sanho. Regardless knoeinf himself Tak has no choice but to see the rationalizations of his brother arguments to ring true. Once he comes to realize his feelings that's when he comes out to his parents immediately without any of the normal fears most guys would have of being hated on. Even after getting knocked upside the head by their father he stands his ground. Then Tak fearlessly comes out to their grandmother again with pretty much no reaction to the events that would stress others out. Then Tak goes straight back to Sanho with no hesitations in his thinkings to bring Sanho back without delay as he seemed to not want to make Sanho wait no longer than necessary.

Could Tak's confession have been more romantic YES! But for his personality type Tak did pretty good. Especially in not dragging the storyline out forever with the typical behaviors of other BL manwha trying to decide how to confess blah blah blah. Then y'all complaint would have been about why he just doesn't communicate his feelings blah blah blah. Lol.

Love it or hate it this is what I believe to be true. ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

    Sarafffff May 28, 2024 5:03 pm

    Yeah I don't think people hate Tak just because he's an emotionally stunted asshole with no redeeming quality whatsoever, although than in itself could be enough lmao, it's more likely because he's an ass AND a rapist.

    GreenTea May 28, 2024 5:57 pm
    Yeah I don't think people hate Tak just because he's an emotionally stunted asshole with no redeeming quality whatsoever, although than in itself could be enough lmao, it's more likely because he's an ass AND a... Sarafffff

    ^^^ this exactly

    Like i get he's redeeming himself, but it was never the fact that it took him so long to realize his feelings that pisses me off, it was the fact that he was basically treating Sanho like a sex slave with no regard to how he feels. Him not understanding his feelings or that BOTH participants should enjoy sex doesn't make it any less shitty. But this is the mind of story that doesn't treat non-con seriously like that.

Mistress_RA May 10, 2024 10:24 pm

I don't know about no body else buuut!

That popsicle scene was HOT & sexy AF! It had me feeling some type of way....

Mistress_RA April 3, 2024 5:32 pm

We all know that Ethan would LOVE nothing more than to kill Wren. Especially after seeing Wren sitting on top of Tristan's lap while holding his face in a loving manner, while from his perspective to be kissing. As we can see Ethan definitely find Wren's intentions sus.. But imho IF Ethan does kill Wren, I believe that would greatly impact Ethan's and Tristan's relationship especially knowing how special Wren is to Tristan. I definitely see jelly there. Which is understandable considering what Ethan saw. We all see and know Wren loves Tristan in a parental manner. So it's, damned if they do or don't take action, even though it will be most advantageous. What we do know for a fact is that once the thirst hit Wren will most certainly turn into a hardcore crackhead triggering Wren to betray Tristan. Unless they have something to counter the control matias has over Wren. Since it's genetic wouldn't they need a similar genetic marker (Tristan, good luck with that with Ethan there, lol), or recreate the serum in the vial that would potentially release Wren from matias control, safely. What do you guys think?
Just my thoughts. ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

Mistress_RA February 25, 2024 9:58 am

Damn that kiss was hot as fuck! (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
On another note I over think about as much as Lyle. It's so frustrating. (/TДT)/

Mistress_RA January 24, 2024 4:31 am

Why did anyone believe that JK would act any different than he has been? I already knew this was going to happen. Tbh I'm not even upset at this point. He is def a prideful pos but what can you say we knew that? In this instance we can't blame Jk because Doc Dan had a delulu moment. We all make mistakes. Plus Jk was under the influence so now he's reverted back to himself. Hopefully doc dan learns from this and gets little when an opportunity arises.
I just hope doc Dan doesn't get hurt if Jk loses his next match. I can definitely see Jk acting out and getting violent taking his frustrations out on doc Dan. People like doc Dan want to try and console people at the worst possible times smh.

Mistress_RA January 23, 2024 5:26 pm

Is SOOOO fkn annoying (╯°Д °)╯╧╧
Boy oh boy is yeo-ho a ding-ga-ling brain without giving any spoilers.
He is definitely what I call an air head.
Put a wig on peeps cause seo yeo-ho will definitely want to make you pull ALL your hair out. He doesn't know how to open his mouth when he should (at very integral moments, smh) nor does he apply basic common sense when he got people openly coming for his head.
I'm only in episode 22. I can imagine based on comments it's going down hill from here smdh.
The only reason I'm going to finish is because I'm invested in seeing those pieces of shits (ji-oh, do-hyung and yoon-kyung get what's coming to them (even bones getting broken, I hope) lol.
I can definitely feel it in my bones I will be doing a lot of skipping forward. Yeo-oh just ruins this for me.
What is up with this trope of making uke such dimwits?!? ヽ(`Д´)ノ imo He (yeo-ho) only has 1 rock sitting in the corner of his head. If he had 2 he would at least spark an idea smh.
But the art is good. ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

Mistress_RA December 24, 2023 3:03 pm

This has never happened before but.... For the first time ever I'm actually hoping the the uke gets caught (⊙…⊙ )
Not sure why but.. am I the only one?
Honestly it makes me feel really weird ╥﹏╥ ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

    Sugar, Spice & Everything Nice December 25, 2023 4:07 pm

    It's not good cuz the servant boy will be the one who will receive the punishment and was almost killed because of that

Mistress_RA December 10, 2023 2:17 am

Let's get something straight first and foremost.. Quit negatively judging uke with bits and pieces of a storyline! Smdh. Ppl already have his head on the chopping block talking about uke intentionally r@ped alpha out of revenge as if it's definitively true. FOH.
Going by past and present events the uke doesn't appear to be that type of person. Of course Anyone is capable of anything under the right circumstances but I'm giving him the benefit of doubt. If I'm wrong I will later apologize IF that ends up being the case.
But in the mean time in between time let's look at what we do know...
From the beginning the alpha was pushing up on the uke yapping about how he likes him because he isn't an omega, blah blah blah. WHICH btw the uke initially is a beta. Just because the jackass alpha toys with uke feelings, playing him like a fiddle and laughing in his face it shows uke running away initially being unresponsive to alphas communications and advances. And when the uke is unresponsive to his face is when the alpha wants to pull the let's break it off card I believe to save face. ijs he's an arrogant prick. Anyway It doesn't show the uke doing anything but standing there shedding tears. Time jump the uke is at the alphas place when in rut. Now, I have a theory, that maybe the alphas rut somehow triggered the uke to change from a beta into an omega. (Sorry it has happened in other bls.) (We also have seen alpha and omega acting irrationally while in rut.) Anywho, IF that is the case he may NOT have had control of the events of that day which resulted in them sleeping together. If that is what happened I can see the uke being terrified as hell and running away later finding himself pregnant. Considering how asinine and forceful the alpha is the uke probably went into survival mode and got little on his ass. We DON'T know the reason nor circumstances of how or why the uke was there. SO ppl should cut out just making assumptions that it was for revenge when we don't even know ALL the facts of that day just to keep running with an agenda of intended r@pe when NONE of us BUT the author and their constituents knows the storyline of that day. All we know is that they interacted to some degree, the alpha went into rut triggering uke to change to an omega, they had sex, uke ran away.
I would have ran away from that troll too lowkey especially with his disregard for ppl.
As others have said and I totally agree with them that there is definitely nothing wrong with fwb. As long as, that is established before engagement or once they decide to engage. Total transparency should be exercised. Everyone should be on the same page. Alpha was obligated at that point to state that is all he was looking for. Even IF the uke initially agreed to those terms, the moment the uke let on he thought they were dating the alpha should have had a serious discussion with uke instead of making a joke of his feelings and humiliating him. But instead the alpha just laughs it off with snide comments then proceeds to like everything is all good. Hell naw! He saw the uje was hurt but he gave NFs. So with that being said I look forward to his suffering. He already showed up with ill intentions snatching that baby from his mom and forcing his pheromones on the uke to bend him to his will. Smdh. He intentionally r@pes uke vengeancefully but you have those that is running this agenda that r@pe is okay. To each his own.
Sorry love it or hate it these are my thoughts on this. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    bibihyunee December 10, 2023 2:39 am

    God bless you.

    Mistress_RA December 10, 2023 3:19 am
    God bless you. bibihyunee

    Ty I appreciate that! (⌒▽⌒)

    AWinterWonderLand December 11, 2023 6:45 pm

    Yeah, according to

    .the latest ch. 9

    I see that you are correct. It's is just REALLY really hard for me, as a bio major, to believe that a womb just forms spontaneously without the appropriate amount of time for an organ to develop.

    But barring that, now that we know he didn't know that he was being turned. Then my theory that it is/was possible (based up to ch. 7) was incorrect.

    So no, he didn't go in willingly to have that one-last-sex-knowing he has turned, as implicated by Ian's version of the story.

    However, he still did go there to see him one last time, not knowing the alpha was in heat. Ok, so he didn't sneak in, but went there to
    .return something that fell out...of Ian's pocket....

    Yes, true, Ian should have spelled out the relationship better
    But Noah should also have stated what he wanted, earlier on too.
    .I want to see if he is truly a dick from the get-go of if it's just more of the present circumstance.
    I think he ran away because of his feelings for Ian, although, as of ch. 9, I don't necessarily think that is solely the case anymore.... since, it may be the other reason why he ran away....
    As to why he had washed the sheets....

Mistress_RA December 8, 2023 11:39 pm

Who tha fk believes a person who has been tge antagonist since the very beginning?!? (╯°Д °)╯╧╧
How fkn dumb can you be. That is some oxymoron ish bs! You hurt him by staying away cause you don't want to hurt him due to some unfounded nonsense Haebomssi speed donor spits?!? ヽ(`Д´)ノ
Dude! Psychological pain is just as painful if not more depending on who you ask!
So you got the balls to go talk to and believe his father but not enough to communicate your concerns with your lover?!? Honestly I rolled my eyes so many times during this last episode that I'm surprised their not stuck turned backwards in the sockets.
Some of you have hit tge nail on the head about this stupid trope of noncommunication amongst characters. It's f'n played out. I know ppl are tired of almost every storyline with the same thing. How about some originality? The story is VERY interesting and was loving the direction... so why the need to fall back into what everybody and they momma write?
Sorry some may not like what I vented but oh well. This is how I feel and MY opinion. If you don't like it move on and find a post you do like

    Mistress_RA December 8, 2023 11:42 pm

    (Speed above) should be sperm.donor. smh spell check

    MMM December 9, 2023 12:11 am

    Literally!!! I can’t agree more wtfff

Mistress_RA November 24, 2023 10:01 pm

Are there only 8 or are there more? If so are there links to raws?
Thanks in advance.

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