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Can I just say, I fucking love this, they both look so cool

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She's so prettyyyyyy

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I shit u not, this man is the man who STEPS UP, he's her dad idc

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He's so fiiiinnnneeeeeeeeeee

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Dude's literally her dad at this point HAHAHAHa

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or..... maybe he doesn't want you to die... gosh, so oblivious this one lol

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Lol, that's all she had to say and my man was like "alright i'm in!" so easy lol, they're so cuteeee

extraterrestrial_ add 1 photos to My Heart

I'm not sorry, they made them both looks so good and pretty here, her lashes omg, everything lol

extraterrestrial_ add 1 photos to Chortles

they're all like girl, we been knew HAHAHHAHA

Ok so here me out. I assume most you guys already know what edging is but if you don't, it's basically when you're about to bust but you stop before you do and wait abit and then repeat the process til you have the ultragasm or whatever. I know this sounds like a very perverted post but i have a good point to make. If you think about it, edging is......
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I like Helena, she was naive but she realized that this newfound power would allow her to do things

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  • Author: KUROI Yodaka
  • Genres: Supernatural / Yaoi / Action / Drama
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  • Author: KUROI Yodaka
  • Genres: Supernatural / Yaoi / Action / Drama