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extraterrestrial_ add 1 photos to My Heart

ah... why's that kinda hot???

extraterrestrial_ add 1 photos to Chortles

giggling my ass off

extraterrestrial_ add 1 photos to Chortles

every1 thinking they're all badass. n bunny is like "wanna come play games" uwu

if that was my nephew I'd be like "hun wear whatever tf u want(within reason)"

extraterrestrial_ add 1 photos to Chortles

I am laughing so hard rn

extraterrestrial_ add 1 photos to My Heart

cute lol, lowkey makes me wish i had a lil sibling

Bro she left cuz she loved you, what a fuckwad. but oh poor me, right? STUPID PRINCE

Dude's stupid. SHE abandoned YOU?? You let her think u never loved her know she loved you

extraterrestrial_ add 1 photos to My Heart

Ngl, I love this knight? Guard? Idk who she is, but she's cool