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So she's just never gonna tell him he's gonna be a dad.

Lala44 created a topic of Rosalyn Bogarte

Looka here, if we don't get a healthy happy damn baby I'm gonna riot!

I just want her family to leave her tf alone so she can live a life without fear and is able to be happy in her marriage without these weirdos messing with her. It's always men "of god" that are the weirdest of the weird

Lala44 created a topic of Feel My Benefit

In stories like this, the "over protective"childhood friend is always a red flag to me. They don't mind their business, they don't respect boundaries, they treat the lead as their possession. But y'all go off I guess

Ok, where's that bitch Emily? She needs her ass beat.

Lala44 created a topic of Oh, Dear Nemesis

My grandmother always said, you don't eat or drink from ppl's houses, especially ppl that you don't like.

I hate reading these transactions stories where the mc does everything different and still except the same outcome as the damn story. Their like "well I've done everything different, and everyone is acting different, but even though everything has changed, it will still have the same outcome cause thats what I read in a story that's no longer the same

Lala44 created a topic of For My Abandoned Love

But babes, you are the damn wicked. See she might be the villain in your story...but YOU are the villain. See you were with him, you had him, but you set your sights on that higher position. You left him after sneaking around with his best friend and didn't give not one damn nor fuck about his feelings or his well being. But now you "love" him be cause your fairytale ending wasn't perfect. Bitch fuck you

Lala44 created a topic of Last Love of Youth

So this man hasn't dated anyone since you broke up with him, not because no one wanted him, but because all he wanted was you and you're asking him if he lives you. MAKE IT MAKE SENSE!!!!

Lala44 created a topic of Begrudgingly Yours

Kid: She a nice person, you should be a little nice to her.
Translation: she's cool, if you stop being a dick you'd see that

ML: She's a horrible despicable person. Ooo I hate her she makes me sick.
Translation: Kid I know you want my woman and I'll kick your ass if you keep it up

This is why I love this story. She showed how to annihilate your enemies. She did it with class, taste, and evil intent.

Lala44 created a topic of Ashtarte

Please for God sakes don't start with this bullshit. Some random needy bitch...after everything you went through for her and you letting a random needy bitch interfere in your happily ever after with the woman you love. Sir if you don't pust that bitch to the side and run to her

Lala44 created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

So I get it, he's trying to be nice, but sometimes you have to step back and let a person go through things on their own. He said he was fine you push, he repeated that he was fine. Sometimes you have to wait for ppl to be ready to talk, they'll either open up or not but pushing a subject is not gonna help

Lala44 created a topic of Monday'saviour

I knew it was going to damn good.

FL is a bitch. ML was abused and manipulated in his first life first life. In his second life she found him as a kid, drilled into him that she needed him to get her revenge used his feelings for her as a controlling mechanism. You can not teach a person that you can only get what you want through violence and then get mad when they use the same tactics that you taught them. I see ppl sayin well he was doing things behind her back...ok everything he did was for her benefit, she wanted them to suffer, he mad that happen. She wanted the prince dead....well he's ass ain't alive. So she's mad about what happened wit her lil friend...well maybe if you didn't brainwash the boy into believing that he was the only one you needed, while still leaning on your sis you took a mentally unstable person and made them obsessed with you. Your friend even warned you that something like this could happen and you still pushed forward with your plot. And then for her to not see her part in this whole situation is really pissing me off. Your mad and angry over some shit you started. In conclusion she's a piece of shit who sent a child to the battlefield for your benefit, you got him to kill your enemies, made him become a prince (even though he didn't want to, and then instead of you acknowledging that you had a huge part in why he did what he did you just called him a monster and left him. Revenge always comes at a cost, she wasn't willing to accept that cost and instead of her saying, yeah i started this whole mess, and take responsibility for it she's playing victim. I don't like that shit

Lala44 created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

This chapter hurt my heart. This poor child lost his mom, his dad is a piece of shit, and no one to protect him. I see comments sayin the teacher needs to no no, he needs to be tortured, dying is too quick and he deserves more pain for the crime he's committed.

Lala44 created a topic of I Wont Accept Your Regrets

It's always the ppl that does everything to provoke a person into retaliation that wants to play victim. You and your family went after her father after she voluntarily left, then you tried to kill her and her sis he would have never known that was his son if you didn't try to kill them you stupid bitch. Now you're a fuckin victim cause your schemes didn't work...bitch bye.

Whoever thought this direction was a good idea needs their ass beat. This is stupid and very fuckin unnecessary

Lala44 created a topic of Rosalyn Bogarte

This is why we don't love these hoes...all men do is lie