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Lala44 created a topic of Backlight

Reading this chapter all I heard in my head was a song from a singer name Brandy ft. Monica "The Boy is Mine"

Lala44 created a topic of If You Wish for My Despair

Never fails, you're at peace being happy and livin your best life...then here comes some narcissistic self-centered jerk to try to ruin it.

Lala44 created a topic of Stigma (Doo Down)

Ppl really just out here breaking their own hearts. Ijs, dude if he didn't "choose" you in all these years wtf makes you think he going to do so now.

So, you're scared that your bother wants the throne (he doesn't)...but you're doing everything to give him a reason to take it. It's always the ppl that make their own problems that make the biggest mess

I'm so damn sick of Bora and Jay. I did not sign up for this, I'm sick of writers giving us these dumb side characters that are just a waist of time.

Guess I'll have to give this up till this fuckery is over, I'm not gonna increase my pressure over this. Smh, this was a couple that I just love and you're gonna fuck it up with this crap.

Lala44 created a topic of Age of arrogance

How dare you make my man (that's not my man)attached to you (the person he really wants) want him too (even though there is no hope of me ever getting all...not fuckin ever

Lala44 created a topic of The Tragedy of a Villainess

Sir if you don't get your ass up and tf outta her face. You chose that one forced you. Every choice has its consequences and yours is being without the MC. You better find a way to be happy with that evil bitch and stfu

I'm so confused as to what Mc's money have to do with him killing Sir, do you think he's paying the monsters off...because you definitely have to kill them. I think you meant skill, damn him and his skills.

Lala44 created a topic of If You Wish for My Despair

I didn't pass ch65...when that bitch had the fuckin nerve to say she should feel the same pain as him. Sir please go to hell, it's you bitch boy, you should be feeling her pain x1billon you self-centered fucker

Lala44 created a topic of Fake Wife

Is he an ass, yes...but what he said was true. She ran off with a man she really didn't know knowing that she was supposed to get married. She didnt give not one damn nor a fuck about what her leaving was going to do to her family...but now your going to "claim" your husband (who's in love with the person he calls wife) because you're unhappy you're going to make everyone miserable. All you'll be is his wife in name, he'll continue to see your sister while he throws your ass overseas somewhere. Sis find another way cause this ain't it

Lala44 created a topic of Minmotion Syndrome

It's the delusion for me. Sir, he don't want you, not only does he not want you...he despises your ass. Get a fuckin life and stop fuckin his up, he deserves better and your ass ain't it

Lala44 created a topic of Lips On The Tip Of a Knife

I get so sick of these I know you first ass men, you knew me first...and you didn't say shit, you knew me first... and you waited til I was in a situation for your lips to part. Sir please go to hell with gasoline draws on. This gives you're playing in my face frfr

Reading this chapter all I could hear in my head was the Lauryn Hill song "Nothing Even Matters" cause clearly they don't give 2 fucks about the sky (in this case the ceiling and walls) falling...cause you if y'all don't get your asses outta there

Bout damn time. I was so sick of that storyline, let them be damn Happy

Lala44 created a topic of Oh, Dear Nemesis

Somebody go get that girl a damn wheelchair...looks like she's gonna need it. Not him bout to wear the meow out

Lala44 created a topic of If You Wish for My Despair

This who story is a lesson in how a man will treat you like shit, then when you retaliate he goes around and calls you crazy and makes it seem like you have no reason for acting that way. This is why I always question men who say they have a crazy ex...cause wtf did you do to sis for her to be that way.

I just want him to find out she's not a man, for the queen and her son to get on some damn where, and for the prince and her to be get married and have some damn kids

Lala44 created a topic of I'll Save this Damn Family!

The best fl is back you grace is with her quick wit and intelligence.