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island's experience ( All 0 )

island's answer ( All 7 )

about question
vags r self cleaning. using any soap down there will cause yeast infections.   reply
28 05,2021
about eat ass
uhhh i wouldnt say the fandom used to be wholesome (especially on tumblr LOL) but the fandom now is a whole different kind of weird now that there are a lot more younger ppl in the fandom   reply
21 04,2021
im not 100% sure about this answer so yeah just giving u a heads up. but ik there r like strict laws on pornography. like in america there isnt any confirmation to make sure ur over 18 compared to like korean manhwa sites where u need to like an id or smth to confirm ur 18+ so u can read mature manhwa. also authors just might not want to draw minor......   reply
17 04,2021
about question uhh   reply
03 02,2021
meruem and komugi... :(   2 reply
04 09,2020

island's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

want to do writing

i want to write a novel about my oc but i cant english

1 hours
did going to concerts

Rage Against The Machine, Interpol, chevelle, staind, Tool, Pantera, Stone Temple Pilots, The Killers, Block Party, Oz Festival. And others

4 hours
want to do writing

I want to start writing a novel but to do that I think I could do it better if I had a writing group to write and share ideas with.

6 hours