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jjj created a topic of Spinach Bouquet

I feel bad for sunny. I get it that his character wasn't the best, but let's remember that he's still a teenager with basically no adult to guide him(as he have no mother that's physically present and an asshole father.) He also doesn't have real friends(they even set him up!) which makes him feel more alone.

And imagine having no one to trust you. No family to defend you and basically having no proof to defend yourself against the fire allegations. It makes me wanna cry for him.

Plus remember how everyone was quick to think badly of him( example that one chap where the girl accuses him of starting a fight against one of the main male character). It feels shitty to have everyone think badly of you, makes you feel isolated, wronged and small.

I just hope things would go better for him. I'm on my knees already, give my boy a break and a chance to become a better person, he has the potential I swear.