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jjj created a topic of Waterside Night

The dad isn't a villain but I don't like him either. How could you abandon someone when you knew that his father is an abusive piece of ****? He might have felt bad leaving him but at the end of the day, he still abandoned him. He could have given him up for adoption or smth. Imagine if it wasn't for the MC, his kid could have been beated to death by his father, died from being neglected or human trafficked to pay for the father's debt.

So how could he snatch him away just because he thinks that NOW is the convenient time for him? How could he push the MC aside just like that?

He went *poof* then went *wooshh I'm here now* just like that.

He might be the biological parent but he was no father to the kid. It was the MC who raised the the kid, he's not the one who has the most say in this It's MC.

Law might be on his side, but I ain't.