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Xinmo's experience ( All 0 )

Xinmo's answer ( All 4 )

13 07,2021
A meta bat or knife, because what’s a gun gonna do when you run out of bullets.   1 reply
13 07,2021
about question
My rates are 15$ per hour. I’ll waive them this time, as long as you get a solid kick in.   reply
13 07,2021
about question
Ahh, my classic resting bitch face and wine glass. I don’t have that many tattoos, but eh close enough. Also, I already simp for myself but damnnnn, if I was a guy I would simp even harder!   reply
09 06,2021
This is actually pretty similar to what I look like. I have curly hair (3b), resting bitch face, and I tend to go with turtle neck crop tops.   reply
30 04,2021

Xinmo's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did touched grass

i want to lay down in it every time

1 hours
did touched grass

I'm one w the nature

2 hours
did chat about anything

i genuinely talk tm both irl&online since i was younger like i js dont stfu for example i’ve answered sm of these thingies for wat…

4 hours