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Kiorin-san created a topic of Meteor Orbit

Well, didn't he say he'd rather be kiss by Sang-rok than see him do other things??...But anyways!! Here are the list of score points of the bois:

Sinwoo = 1

Sang-rok = 1 (well I'll give it a 1 even if their lips hasn't touch yet)

Taewon = 3 (mf be getting all the points)

Wonjoon = ?? (I'm not gonna say when, but like I'll wait patiently)

Kiorin-san created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

Yeahhhh!!! I can definitely tell, that he plans to make Seoyong fall for him, and when if ever succeed doing so.... He will leave him... Yup!! I knew it!!! Revenge!! He wants to make Seoyong feel what he felt... Just like what Seoyong did to him, made him fall, and then leave him hanging but, Seoyong is kinda aware and has an idea so there's still a doubt if what Heejae is showing true or not... Still, poor baby if ever do fall in Heejae's trap


Kiorin-san created a topic of Whose Baby is it?

Can put all the drama what whatever lingwei and that guy (that wants to marry her or whatever) aside, and talk about the grandpa He... Like, seriously, he's such a mood!!! Whenever I would read this manhua where he has scene on it, I would just laugh my ass off because of how he would be sarcastic, cracking someone's he hates... Especially, when he hates their guts HAHAHAHHA

Why only oneshot???!!!! I fucking demand a whole ass series of thissssss!!! I just can't!!! They look so cute, both of them

Okay, I know everyone here in the comment is in edge, and felt weird because of the awkward translation,,, but let's set that aside first and talk about Yua Shiraishi or the young holy maiden/saintess. In these recent chapters, we can see a change of heart of Yua in the matter of saving the country from the miasma... Unlike from the previous chapters, if we're to compare, she was annoyingly determined to save the other world and do her best to fulfill her duty as a "holy maiden"...

Well, that is because her determination is coming from the thought that she would be able to pull it off, lessening the spread of the miasma. She told Kondou off and just like that she became more annoyingly stubborn to me because she thought everything was THAT FUCKING EASY... But when the real action was there, she was let down by the reality that hit her... And because she still wasn't that ready or her magic wasn't strong enough, the miasma that was lessened was only about 30%... CLEARLY, IT WASN'T THAT EASY AT ALL. Things just got more complicated

Now, in these chapters, guess she realized something and knowing that the miasma wasn't gone and would only prolong her stay there, she cried out like that and is now looking at Kondou. We can see that, although she was the saintess with elegant (like they say in the manga if that translation was even right), she was also an helpless CHILD. She was just a kid who clearly just want to enjoy her youth, yet was taken to another world and was given a huge responsibility in her whole life.

I mean, even I would cry the same once I knew all what I had believed came crushing down in just a single snap of truth... I hate her at first, but because of this recent chapters—it just made me wonder what exactly did I hate about this kid when she's just a kid being put to be responsible for something she wasn't supposed to be.

Wait.... It surprised... There's only two comments in here... What happened to the other people who read this???

When is this going to update???? Like, it's been 4 months now since this last updated here... I'm pretty sure the author already came back with a story...I know I sound so annoyingly demanding but like, when is this going to move??...I had enough of waiting all I do is wait!!! I wanna know what happened next!!! I wanna see Mathan's academy life's like!!!! Please just update

Kiorin-san created a topic of Comes In Threes

And didn't Jong-oh drunkenly confess to the wrong person, says he likes
Ah-In... And now he couldn't get Jun out of his mind, so he went off and went to the poor boy's workplace, pick him up, and then fuck him??... I'm literally confuse right now...

Kiorin-san created a topic of Comes In Threes

Okay... The steamy scene was all was super sexy... The top's d!ck was huge okay---and then the bottom gave him a head, how hot... although the reaction or the ahegao of Jun was kinda exaggerating to say the least... Like, just imagine it was only the foreplay but it his reaction was like, Jong-oh already fcking him deep hard... But it was sexy, hot and all...

But HOLD A DAMN MINUTE B*TCH... Why do I feel like that steamy event escalated so fast???? Likeeeeeeee, boo hold yo fcking d!ck for a second... Just a few chapters ago, everything was a mess and problems are all over the place. But now, they're making out??...


We already know who it is?? It's YOO JUNGHYOOK EVERYONE!!! Do you guys remember that back when Dokja was still a student he look up so much to Yoo Junghyook because him and his favorite character in the novel, had so much alike in their life...?? So, who else would it be, if it isn't Yoo Junghyook, his most beloved one

Kiorin-san created a topic of Non Zero Sum

But stories like this with a harem and a very fucked up or even toxic relationship with the characters kinda thing is what I mostly like in the story.... For example, like Profundis, Frenzy Train, and Dark Fall and even this...y'know those manhwa that has a quite a messed up story line...

I never skip or drop these kinds of stories, rather I would read it and keep myself so into it that I feel like I need to want more and see what happens next. But maybe the reason why I can stomach these kinds of plots in (Korean) manhwa is because, it's nothing more compared to how fucked up a plot can get in (Japanese) manga. I mean like, just think about Oniichan or color Recipe by Harada sensei and many more fucked plots I've read so far....

The level of messed up plot in manhwa is still not yet on the tip of the iceberg. And I think I also believe, although violence do happens in reality especially to women, I don't think a victim would be able to stomach to stay beside the abuser like what we see or read in stories. Or worst fall in love with the abuser and even after what they've been through they chose to stay.

And then there's a witness who was like who acted like they've seen noting like.... You can see that in this kinds of stories it's either the victim still tries to choose that same person who abuses them or the people surrounding the victim turn a blind eye because the other one is powerful and the suspect never gets caught, EVER!...

But in reality, because of social media, a lot of caught abuses and abusers can't get away with what they've done. No matter how powerful they are or even no matter how many years had passed... They would get caught no matter what. Because y'know what they say, “NO SECRETS THAT CAN NOT BE REVEALED”.

And yes... I also think I just need therapy... But I'm not weird so yeah just chill (θ‿θ)

Kiorin-san created a topic of Lost in the Cloud


Guess I just have to wait a long time for the next chap to be uploaded

Can someone please pick this up??? Cause it's been like, what? 4 months since the last update of this manga... I'm pretty sure the 4th volume is just somewhere and is all ready...just my instinct tells me but if there isn't, then I guess, 4 months isn't enough to wait and see what happens next in this manga.ಥ‿ಥ

Kiorin-san created a topic of To deny the route

Please!!! Continue uploading the chapters of this, I just wanna see what happens next!(っ˘╭╮˘)っ but still...what a cliffhanger!!!

Like... I know Chinese manhua love censorship so much they would always cover a simple kissing scene with a freaking butterfly and it always pissed me off... But recently I've found manhua that don't actually go by the rules...such as thisssssss!!!!! This is like a whole package!!!! (つ≧▽≦)つ and I'm loving it!!!!♡♡ Like just look at the sub title!!!! They literally DID THE DEED!!!!