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Kris November 8, 2020 8:29 am

I found this story to be quite boring there is really nothing that had me excited to keep reading I just read it so that I could say I finished it the characters we're okay but none of them had a personality that really stuck out to me as great two of the characters were two conceited to actually step outside themselves entreated the main guy as a trophy to be won overall I'd say you could read the story if you had nothing else to read in your bored

Kris September 6, 2020 6:01 am

I really tried to get into this story and it would have been great but jumping from past to present and back again was really confusing and there was no real like beginning or end or anything that resembled the timeline that could be easily understood it was all kind of a jumbled mess of information of course I did like the idea of the universe they were trying to build but it just didn't come across well

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