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wiintrr created a topic of Double Trap

hyungs real personality is a bit too chaotic for me lol he’s teetering on borderline criminal activity and I’m not trying to end up on no registry no maaaa

but anyway excited for jaepils thing

now someone goddamn tell me why this man got a horse cock? No not like “daaaaang he big” but a “yo this mf got a bowling pin for a dick” like whyyyyyy it’s honestly just funny to look at like i verbally HA’d at least twice during this chapter and while funny it’s also not Soohans dick is perfect tho they shoulda just copy and pasted and then they could both have reasonably large peens bam everyone wins cos this other shit is just…. redickulous

wiintrr created a topic of ARTS MANZ

Listen I know redhead hasn’t treated eun-oh the best or even good at all but seeing him so frantic and red faced I can’t help but feel things….. I’m not rooting for him per se cos the other guy is obviously better but idk man maybe I just need to see some vulnerability to switch sides I’m easy

that mf look like a whole ass night stick bruh lol like the size is one thing but why does it gotta be so straight and the head looks like u could screw it off

But anyway I did like all of the things he was saying bc I highkey love when tops long for the bottom for a long time hnnnnngg it gives romantic possession and I live

and also jeong-Yoon professing his like to chae was very cute liked that a lot too aweeee they seem very healthy rn and that’s rare

wiintrr created a topic of I'll Be Here for You

damn I thought he was just gonna blow him or something cos he knew he only had 30 minutes but noooooo just went to full on penetration damn that mf selfish as fuck

wiintrr created a topic of Monochrome Rumor

sihyeon, drunk or sober, will always be THAT bitch

wiintrr created a topic of Profundis

ayo…. Leave the little dragons alone,,, they ain’t even ask to be there

One of them literally went “skree??” Bro was confused and then died smh that’s the worst

wiintrr created a topic of Double Trap

it’s become a high risk game here, didn’t know yura was such a big gambler lol

wiintrr created a topic of Guiding Hazard

taegun is sooo….. goddamn he’s just so everything my eyes need

wiintrr created a topic of Gig of the Day

yeomin such a track star smh join a team or something man lol put that talent to use

wiintrr created a topic of Green Apple Paradise

idk why but when jaewon told maehwa to cum in his mouth, I—

Caught me all off guard and had to put my phone down for a little sec

it’s the oddly long nipples and gushing asshole that isn’t omegaverse for me

wiintrr created a topic of Double Trap

Hide ya kids hide ya wives cos the plot has become very bisexual everybody (more than it ever has before) boy and girls are getting kissed by boys and girls no one is safe

wiintrr created a topic of Kill Me If You Can

I love a good full panel “look how beautiful this character is” moment for seong once again bc i definitely stared at him for a good minute and also liking wooyeols reaction awwwweee soooo cute im gonna throw up

I’m just glad they gave an omega a decently sized pp cos usually they’re like micro and not very fun to look at lol like I get they’re not really like “using” it so it doesn’t have to be huge or nothin but dang give the boys a few inches at least lol don’t be so biased

wiintrr created a topic of Jinx

I hate u I hope u die I hate cliffhangers cos what the FUCK did he just say I need to know about the boy damnit

wiintrr created a topic of For You Who Grieves

he did not have to go off on that random hook up guy like that just delete the app bro

Rosie girl ur gay for yuriel anyway so like who cares

but also finally Kael stepped his fucking pussy up and confessed (rather aggressively but I guess that’s just how they all are) sooooooo cool development? If this makes Rosie start her villain era I’m gonna laugh bc now it just looks homophobic

wiintrr created a topic of Kill Me If You Can

so either joon is very forgiving/doesn’t care about himself that much or bc he was an incubus before he doesn’t find daewoo raping him while he was unconscious that traumatic for him (even tho the circumstances were a bit different, being asleep compared to being forcible knocked out with a brick or whatever the fuck it was which like I guess I kindddaaaaaa(??) get on a very basic level or all of the above idfk BUT what I do know is I found joon rambling off his gratitude to sam-seong and sam-seong just being deadpan in return was cute for me so therefore i ship it. I don’t remember what sam-seongs deal is relationship wise but it’s better than daewoo whom I still wish to see be spartan kicked into a volcano ok thanks for listening bye