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wiintrr created a topic of 19 Days

It’s all 4 of them eating ramen cups outside after the sisters horrible attempt at cooking for me

Also I always forget that there’s supposed to be a time where He Tian literally disappears for years cos he’s always around so gonna be very sad when he’s not

wiintrr created a topic of Jueun

I don’t hate Chae being jealous cos it’s typical but when are mfs gonna learn that when u get into a new relationship it’s probably best to talk about the shit that ur uncomfortable with rather than the “dark shadow smoke dundun glare” route that always seems to happen lol but at least he brought it up and if Jeong is happy to comply then that’s on him lol what he decides to be submissive to in his relationship is his business

wiintrr created a topic of Half of Me

“Thanks for understanding”

Don’t put words in my mouth goddamnit I don’t understand it at allllllllllllllll

wiintrr created a topic of Double Trap

really breaking the fourth wall there, jinsung

wiintrr created a topic of Guiding Hazard

u damn right sis, u are incredible and don’t let any mf tell u different cos anyone else probably would have died

wiintrr created a topic of Into The Blue Water

There’s a lot to unpack here with very little information so I can’t say what’s happening for sure right now but what I do see is that MC is clearly an amnesiac even after 2 years like he literally has no idea what’s going on or what went on but ML still feels the need to ram him up every night? Like is that rapey or not,,,,, like if they somehow got into a relationship but MC still has a memory condition where he doesn’t remember that they’re together and ML is still fucking him

wiintrr created a topic of ARTS MANZ

the human anus can stretch up to 7 inches before taking damage and raccoon can squeeze into holes as tight as 4 inches, meaning you can take almost two full raccoons up your ass. Believe in yourself

wiintrr created a topic of 1 to 10

bro what the fuck that was cute as fuck I’m just shocked that went so well

wiintrr created a topic of Green Apple Paradise


wiintrr created a topic of Love Sick Dog

Jooin’s brother gave up a lot easier than I thought he would lol I mean we haven’t seen his exact reaction when getting rejected by Ye-Gyum but I doesn’t seem like much time had passed when he got home.

I wonder if he’s gonna be mature and take what he said seriously and stop trying to act like his fucking owner or if he gonna try some weird shit cos he’s still lowkey obsessed ??

Either way I, too, hope that after whatever happens, ship it

wiintrr created a topic of Kill Me If You Can

bro missed his whole suspect cos he had tunnel vision for piggy but also understandable, he’s pretty cute

wiintrr created a topic of Legs That Won't Walk

haven’t we suffered enough

wiintrr created a topic of Mad Dog

honestly just remembering Sehyuk’s personality from the entire season and his many basically warning to Hamin of the shit he would do to him given the chance, this direction of their sex life is not surprising at all.

I also couldn’t really see Sehyuk being romantic or passionate lol at least not the first time. Maybe he’ll evolve. Looks like he’s trying to work on shit idk I do wish there was more kissing. They kissed not even once boooooo

But god I forgot how much I looooooove Hamin lol he’s so funny when he speaks and thinks and he’s just a fun lil guy, definitely one of my top fav bottoms awe

wiintrr created a topic of Stigma (Doo Down)

Doyoon’s dick coloring is so weird wtf if u squint at the pages where it’s like not all the way in yejun it kinda looks like he’s shitting and honestly the vibes are already not good with this current story progression and I don’t think yejun deserves to get abused and gaslit while also looking like he’s shitting, it just ain’t right

wiintrr created a topic of Yours to Claim

Not the ending most people were hoping for but it’s an ending and honestly after all this I can only be glad for that lmao if there are side stories I only want them to be about Cain meeting some other cute twink but maybe one with less baggage and bad decision making. That would be good for me.

as embarrassing as all that was, what do expect when u got nipples that look like the top of a baby bottle pop smh of course someone’s gonna put their mouth on it

wiintrr created a topic of Profundis

and then yugeon turns into a kickass guide assassin who reaps revenge on them all

That’s the vision in my head anyway

wiintrr created a topic of Dear, Teddy Bear

When I first saw/ am reminded that Minhyung wears Yijae’s dead lovers ring (also making Yijae think he lost probably one of the most sentimental objects he has of his dead lover) I’m like bitch ur a mess go away but then remember he’s a literal psychopath so he’s gonna do fucked up shit but still its so gross I can’t fuck with him for that reason loooool he cute or whatever but I still prefer dark haired suit guy over him even tho he mad persistent lmao

wiintrr created a topic of Yours to Claim

according to this apps Easter egg I guess anyone with the birthday 10/10 could be mistaken for jooin lol