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junochi created a topic of Tearmoon Empire Story

sion and Mia look like siblings in the manga (uncolored)

this old man is so cute, he really doesn't actually his age lololol

junochi created a topic of Lucia

why does Duke look like he aged backwards?
also why does Duke look like he's 50% face 50% facial features

junochi created a topic of Define The Relationship

this was a bl masterpiece.... I took time to stare at each panel... i couldn't Stop Staring - I'll miss them

junochi followed a list

that mini artwork of the physis lady made me cry ugh
also they're so smart lololol i was wondering how they were gonna set up the brothers as male lead, turns out they make her get adopted by a vassal family lololololol

idk if it was the translation that wasn't good enough but i really couldn't make heads or tails of tori's argument (also did she just tear a ribbon in half with her bare hands?? was it made of paper wtf???)

junochi created a topic of Jinx

also smol grandma so cute tho
that trademark beauty really runs in the family HAHA
also wtf they actually played puzzles at home??? why didn't author show us that before wtf

this story is so weird
it just feels like she's just perpetually in some sort of escape room rp and everyone is just waiting in anticipation for her to spell their actions/motivations out as if it's some sort of guessing game
they refuse to fucking move themselves and want her to figure then out so bad
it's so corny

junochi created a topic of Define The Relationship


junochi created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

wtf where are y'all reading ch 101

junochi created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door
junochi created a topic of For Your Love
junochi created a topic of Jinx

first few panels, potato is wrong, sense of loyalty lies where's there's respect, and jaekyung hasn't done anything beyond his achievements to deserve any respect
it was just a strong case of never meet your idols

I always knew ferdnand had a crush on her, but he could've just been a random nice guy. the author really didn't need to make him a weird stalking incel just to paint his majesty in a better light, he was in plenty of good light already.
he became weirder after his arm was broken??? what kind of nonsensical writing is that

junochi created a topic of I Don't Love You Anymore

can someone explain why he was mad knowing his mother's relationship with his fiance specifically? if he was mad, shouldn't he be mad that everyone around him was planted by his mother, as a whole?

junochi created a topic of Define The Relationship

i love how after all that emotional drama right up till the end of the main story we're just straight up getting smut, smut with a side of smut

junochi created a topic of Lost in the Cloud