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LaNansha created a topic of Wet Sand

1. How is TJ hiding so well that other gangsters not involved in the conflict can’t even spot him somewhere? My man must be living in a cave. I wonder what he’s got up his sleeve.

2. This gangster stuff is super interesting to me, and keeping me warm while i wait for Shutline season 3

3. With Chris owing money and shxt, Jo is definitely going to get roped into that gangster life.

4. I recently read the author’s interview. Read that she’s into film noir, which shows in this. And has never been into “pleasant stories,” which I can grasp here as well. I’m lowkey intrigued. With Ian thinking that Jo isn’t as docile as he thought and Jo giving the advice he gave Ian last chapter because he was hoping to keep TJ and Ian apart, the chances of all three mains being roped into a world of violence seems more and more likely. Especially with Chris’ shenanigans. If the story keeps going up this slope, characters might evolve in ways we couldn’t have anticipated. Looking forward to that.

5. Random other thing the author said was that she’s looking to write an Herero romance comedy at some point and seeing the women this chapter made me look forward that. I hope her characters will be as hot as our three eye candies aka TJ x Jo x Ian. Hopefully not a love triangle that lasts the entire story though.

5. Still shipping Ian x TJ as endgame (and lowkey shipping a threesome ending) but really, all I’m looking for is for my 3 boys not to be dead or miserable by the time the story ends

She could’ve at least tried to explain why she was trying to keep him out before doing it. A boy with psychopathic tendencies who basically only had her and the forest in his world was bound to turn out that way. Oh well. We did know he was going to become obsessed based on the title anyway…

LaNansha created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

I wrote this shxt and I’ll be damned if I can’t post it because people can’t take a difference of opinions. Here’s the premise: acaciae is sick of stories about assault so they dropped “Lost in the Clouds”. They had a debate with someone about that shxt. I liked the other person’s stance and gave it props. Acaciae wasn’t happy about it and claimed we’re pretending not to have read a lot of BLs with SA in it. Here’s my response :

Whether it’s BL or straight, It’s not the first one I’ve read where a victim of assault is well portrayed, but it doesn’t change the fact that for most BLs, it’s more of a plot point than to build a character at their core. I’m surprised you claim to have so many that were aimed to building a character as well as the story, rather than serving as more of a plot point meant to drive the story. Even more so where csa is concerned. If you have so many you can think of, why don’t you point them out instead of being mad at people for feeling differently after you’ve exposed how you personally felt about it?

Also, If you’re going to drop a comment, others are going to respond. Note that I wasnt even address you directly because I wasn’t trying to have an argument or some continuous exchange. If I appreciate someone’s comment and I can’t give it a thumb up, I give props. That’s all there is to it.

I’m confused about why I should care about the woman with the short black hair… given how short these chapters are, I wish we could just fast forward through the end. I always feel like I’m wasting my time when I read a new chapter, but I’m too far in to stop.

LaNansha created a topic of Midwood

Lol that’s how you know for sure MC can’t empathize with folks. If he had any sense, he would’ve known better than to call that trash “nothing” from that position. He’s so disconnected from his emotions that he was debating whether he should think about fighting him off or waiting for his arm to heal, as he is getting beaten to a pulp

So glad my boys came to get him. Wish I could read all 84 translated chapters in one go. Thanks for the translation though!

So she knows that based on plot, the family turns to trash because her father gets obsessed with reviving her mother. She also knows that now that she’s regressed, she has free will so the way she interacts with people can change since she doesn’t have to be a villain… So that’s automatically true for every character. Prime example: the maid she used to bully as a villainess isn’t miserable like she used to be, she’s super cheerful.

So why the F was the FL just in her room doing nothing for days while her father was getting drunk before he got manipulated into thinking that he can revive his wife by some count? Was she not trying to change things?! Was her whole plan really to just wait until she’s an adult and flee the family despite being aware of the fact that she can influence the story?? Did she really need a bird to give her a message telling her to look after her father to actually act? Really?!

Chapter 5-10 was so frustrating to read because I’d just been told about a distasteful plot that was unfolding again as though the FL hadn’t regressed at all, so I literally skimmed through the chapters, only to see that she doesn’t do shxt until she’s told to at chapter 10. Been a while since I’ve been that annoyed.

Am I the only one who actually thinks the FL is a bigger trash than the ML? She comes off smelling like roses, waiting for him to prove he loves her and shxt like she somehow deserves all that shxg after drugging and raping him just because he didn’t love her and chose to be with someone else. Yes, I know he was pretending, but she didn’t know that. She began this circle of trash behavior, then when he found and kidnapped her after that assault, she actually got to enjoy being in bed with him, even though she was sure he was punishing her. She lapped those moments up as it fueled her hope that she might have a chance with him, since he was even kissing her during (which was a dead give away that he didn’t actually hate her). Now she gets to act like she’s some victim because her feelings were hurt whenever he pretended to hate her… Please.

I’m sorry to say, but in a story where the FL raped the ML… it’s hard for me to feel any sympathy for what she’s going through. That single act made her as awful as her love rival to me.

LaNansha created a topic of Tower of God

It’s funny to me that some of you are so shocked by the lenght of this webtoon. Personally I’m pleased with it and am even happier about the fact that I can’t see the end anything mime soon. Definitey worth being in my top 3 webtoons.

The king is a joke. So is his daughter. Ain’t no way they’re holding that throne by the end of the story.

On another note, Phaedra is so hot, I just can’t get over it. Wish they’d made a love interest for him.


She’ll wear the empress’ dress at the banquet and the crown prince’s dress when they go on a secret “date” to watch the sunset. I put “date” in quotation marks because I don’t know if that’s what they’re calling their secret outing since I can’t read raws

LaNansha created a topic of Midwood

Not only was the personality a little too of for that to be Chris, but I’m guessing was banking on Chris remembering that he’d “smiled” differently the last time. Especially since he can’t smile naturally, Lmao. That shxt was atrocious

Well, now that our MC got attack, the two babies will makeup and look for him I’m guessing.

LaNansha created a topic of Wet Sand

Some people in this comment section are seriously hilarious. Now, calling someone family is also toxic? And because they’re not blood related, TJ and Ian are gaslighting each other? Please. Im sorry, but not everyone is related to the people they consider family. There are people you grow up with who mean that much to you. That’s why terms like “chosen family” exist. Some people are so eager to paint TJ as the villain of Ian’s life that they’re now trying to make it sound like having a chosen family is some far-fetched concept that now represents a red flag. And because they can’t sustain the argument, they decide to block me and shxt

Please, keep me blocked from all future comments as well. I would rather never converse with such people again. I hope I remember their name for next time -.-

LaNansha created a topic of Wet Sand

Well, looks like Jo just realized that Ian is most likely still in love with TJ. I personally didn’t even realize that Ian was in love with him until Jo voiced it in his head this chapter (the flashback was from chapter 15. In the flashback, Ian admits to having been in love with someone once and in this chapter 45, Jo realizes that Ian never stopped loving the person he was talking about. However Ian himself didn’t realize it and just refers to TJ as family).

For those of you who didn’t grasp it, the reason why Jo says to himself that he’s not as pure as Ian thinks he is, is because by telling Ian to respect TJ’s wishes, he’s lowkey hoping to keep them apart so he has a better chance with Ian.

Lol the empress hasn’t aged at all, which sucks. Older ladies could look incredibly beautiful in their old age as well. I mention this because the crown prince was no more than 10 years old when she married the emperor and she looks the exact same way that she did back then. They said at the beginning that she had two young kids with the emperor… where are they?

I LOVE the Crown prince. His honesty is refreshing. And the fact that he doesn’t hate his stepmom is also nice to see. I wonder if it’ll put him in trouble with his father once he finds out that he’s actively helping his stepmom… and that he knew that he truth about the MC’s origin + powers and yet covered it up. Anyway, the emperor should take notes. His son fell in love and immediately became a sucker for the MC, going as far as going against the emperor’s will to help out. Since he had the courage to marry her, The emperor should stick by his empress the same way.

My take on the Emperor: sending his sister away to “travel” is a nice first step, but he should’ve encouraged the empress to get out of her shell right afterwards. She was so clueless about a decision he made to help her out, that she stayed cooped up inside. By the time she built up her courage and organized the banquet, his sister returned. Had the empress been given the chance to try sooner, she would’ve built more of a rapport/relationships that would help her stand her ground even as the duchess came back.

Anyway, I do enjoy the plot so it is what it is. It’s nice to see it unfold.

So the instant devotion our MC felt for the empress when they first met was due to her powers… so interesting. It basically enabled her to immediately recognize the empress as someone she would serve as a loyal sword, though she only acknowledged it now. Reminds me of Cassimire and her sister from “I tried to be her loyal sword” in some way… still funny how both the duchess and the empress don’t look as old as they probably are, but hey, it’s wtvr I guess. I love the crown prince personally so a lot of the comments are lost on me. I wonder if he’ll change dramatically by chapter 26 or whichever the latest update will be. The only bad person I’ve spotted so far is the duchess.

Yuri isn’t my cup of tea so personally I was happy when I saw there was a crown prince since I was genuinely enjoying the story. Plus I love long haired men.

I wish they’d made the empress look a little older though, unless she’s really meant to be in the same age range as her step-son and maid, which doesn’t make much sense…

Enjoying the heck out of this, but I don’t like the mind control shxt because it means nothing they feel is genuine, which means that girl is no different than a little devil and I can only understand the mother for fearing the worst for her family. I hope the control is short term and that everything afterwards happens organically. I guess it would be considering the dad is fine now, but still.

Love the green haired brother though! Hope she doesn’t kiss him. Ever.

LaNansha created a topic of Villain To Kill

This story would do just fine without romance, but since they’ve hinted at the romance, it’s bound to happen by the end of the story. Personally I prefer Mujin (for those of you who forgot, without her villain fit, she’s the black haired girl MC first ran into). I like her energy better, she’s a fighter, she’s prettier and she’s at least 17-18 right now. Same goes for the MC’s current body.

Stuff like this always fees iffy though since he clearly was in mid to late 20s when he died.