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Cheeky created a topic of Divorce Plan

Rowan is a cotton-headed ninny-muggins.
That is all. (=・ω・=)

Cheeky created a topic of Divorce Plan

This broad is supposed to be pretty smart and strong. So I really hope she hid her jewelry that she had left. She should've hid it in the beginning if they were So important. No matter who they were, I'd never let someone take the precious family jewelry! If I saw my mother's ring on the finger of a person trying to steal it, (/TДT)/ I'd cut the finger that was wearing it off! They'd be lucky not to lose their whole hand!!!... Secretly of course. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ Things do happen to people walking around alone at night.

Isn't this a re-upload? I swear I already read these parts, but I don't remember what the other name was that was already loaded here.

The dad in this one is very absent to be such a "Doting father" to both his daughters.

Now, ( ̄へ ̄)Chapters 26&27 are the same. (⌒▽;⌒)

So why wasn't the empress able to teach him how to love his other children before the princess was born?
And why wasn't the princess being born not seen as a miracle instead since only males are born? (Yes, I know their swordsmanship can only be wielded by males. But do they know that for sure since girls aren't ever born?) I think it's ridiculous! The knight that saved the king was a woman, so woman CAN do swordsmanship too in that kingdom. So it's not like she can't learn to wield a sword!
Also, it almost seemed like the princes were forgotten about. They never showed up again. I guess they really didn't have any interest in their little sister. She didn't see any of them again until years later when she moved.


  • Author:
  • Genres: Webtoons / Fantasy / Historical / Romance
Cheeky add manga to list Kick-Ass FLs

Was I reborn? In my previous life I was a designer who had just graduated but one day I had an accid...

  • Author: Chae habin,Suho, kim bomi
  • Genres: Webtoons / Fantasy / Romance

Fuzzy butt DEFINITELY got caught waaay too easily.
And evil star got EVERYTHING he asked for with really nothing in return.
That seemed soooo forced.

Also, I could've sworn that he said he'd give him back at FIRST, if his conditions were met. Then it changed, and she has to do so much with really nothing in return for his long list of demands.

I put that title into the search several times and it never came up until I changed it to 'The tyrant and his cat'. The search on here ticks me off SO much sometimes!!! (/TДT)/

Repeat chapter for chapter 25... ╥﹏╥ WHY you gotta do that to us!?!?(〜 ̄;△; ̄)〜

Cheeky created a topic of Grand Duke of the North

ヽ(`Д´)ノ You two stop being so frustrating!!!(๑•ㅂ•)و✧

So I went searching, and unfortunately did NOT find more of the manga yet. BUT I did see the light novels. It was on Am_zon.
٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶Just from reading the summary/description, Ivy runs across a seriously injured man. Sora heals him and then splits in two. Ivy and the man get to know each other, and found out he was also rejected by his family because his stats were weak.
Those two are on the the covers on the following light novel also. I didn't read the synopsis on all of them, just the first one from where we left off on the anime; BUT it looks like those two stay cozy with each other for a while. Maybe they become each other's family! ヾ(☆▽☆)
They also had some of the manga for sale there. I'm not sure if it goes past where the anime left off though.

Well I finally got to see that play out from watching the anime. But I want to see what comes next!
Is there no where to read more of this translated!?!?(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

WHY couldn't there be just one more chapter!? (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

After ten years of being exploited by Duke Gerwehr for her healing powers, Agnes meets her death in ...

  • Author:
  • Genres: Webtoons / Fantasy / Historical / Romance
Cheeky add manga to list Ones I Really Liked

I got married today.'In the R-rated trashy novel "Monster Duke" I married the male le...

  • Author:
  • Genres: Drama / Fantasy / Romance / Webtoons

I should make a list for great couples. LOL