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sex turns me off's experience ( All 0 )

sex turns me off's answer ( All 2 )

questionable way to grab a readers attention but ill answer your question. asexual is when you dont feel any sexual attraction towards someone even though they might be your crush, greysexual is on the asexual spectrum, you feel little or limited sexual attraction towards someone. demisexual is where you only feel sexual attraction to someone when ......   reply
19 04,2021
i think my family may be toxic. my family humiliates (is humiliate too strong of a word? make me embarrassed of myself) me for everything i do basically, such as today; i tried putting on eyeliner for the first time. when my mum saw what i looked like, she was saying that i looks awful and laughed at me- that’s the thing with my family, they neve......   1 reply
01 06,2020

sex turns me off's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did going to concerts

Rage Against The Machine, Interpol, chevelle, staind, Tool, Pantera, Stone Temple Pilots, The Killers, Block Party, Oz Festival. And others

1 hours
want to do writing

I want to start writing a novel but to do that I think I could do it better if I had a writing group to write and share ideas with.

2 hours
want to do going to concerts

i need to see loona or i guess loosemble, artms, yves and chuu in concert one day brah i regret not going when they were near me so baddddd

7 hours