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2020-08-25 20:04 marked

Fuck yeah. I think we should go a step further and just get rid of all men and the Internet. Without those things Yaoi wont even exist. Question though. Straight men are known to love looking at lesbian porn. Should we get rid of them too because it’s luring straight men in and puts them into the posturing of wanting to embrace a woman?

2020-08-24 06:34 marked
Didn't make it to ch 3... droped.
2020-03-19 02:59 marked
Looking for really hot, smutty, romantic. Border line bara but not quite with a good story. Or any sexy hidden gems!...gimme really good yaoi thanks!
2020-03-15 20:38 marked

Can we all talk about fanfics? Cuz the first time I read a BL fanfic I deadass thought the seme entered the uke's urethra I was 15 and still wonder, where did my innocence go ? ;; A;;)

2020-02-29 04:35 marked

I think I reacted pretty well considering that my first yaoi was not only a hardcore omegaverse but also a younger human slave x older beastman master type of thing. At first I was like: But then looking at that poor uke's bumhole I was just really concerned for his bodily wellness. Now, some odd years later and I'm completely hooked.

2020-02-29 04:26 marked
SO i made a HUGE mistake when i was asking for yaoi recs for a yaoi newcomer.(/TДT)/
Basically, the friend who I'm getting the links for is an avid reader or het. and yuri. I got them into yaoi, and now they want some links.

So, when I mean "newcomer", I mean for someone who has no idea where to start, and what's good. Hardcore sex scenes aren't an issue (infact, they can be great), but shounen AI is a big no-no, as what's in those aren't what she is reading yaoi for (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

SO if there are some yaoi recs for my friend (preferably 6 chapters and under), PLEASE LET ME KNOW!!! ლ(´ڡ`ლ)(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
2020-02-28 20:39 marked
Due to the fact that sock it now has at least 3 fans, I decided it was time to host a Q&A.

If you do not know what Sock It! is, please inform yourself by reading this:

I will answer any questions about the series.
2020-02-19 20:56 marked
The moment you're never been waiting for.
From the creator of the iconic "Sock Puppets During Sex?" question comes a story of forbidden love, one that transcends all generations and all people.

Jeff, a man with no understanding of pronouns, was just dumped by his entitled, grammar-obsessed boyfriend, Brian. As he struggles to overcome his loss, he happens upon a puppet show, and meets Jerry, a struggling up-and-coming sock puppet erotica director.

And it was love at first sight.

As the pair's feelings get deeper and steamier, they must face life's troubles head on. With only a 12-pack of sock-puppet condoms, and a limited understanding of the importance of improper nouns, will they be able to make it big in the field of sock-puppet porn?

Or, even more importantly, how often are they gonna fuck?

The inspiration:
2020-02-15 21:15 marked
oops, this item doesn't exist any more
2020-02-12 12:28 marked
Any yaoi with a school bully being in the relationship. Thanks!
2020-02-11 15:20 marked
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2020-02-10 02:54 marked
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2020-02-10 02:22 marked
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2020-02-10 02:11 marked
The lack of PRONOUNS in yaoi. Like, why the FUCK are you using someone's first name when you're FUCKING TALKING TO THEM?!?
"Hey Jeff, you want to hang out?"
"Of course, Brian! I love hanging out with Brian! Brian is the best!"
"...Jeff, are you ok?"
"Of course I am, Brian. What makes Brian think there's something wrong?"
...see what I mean?
Like, translators, come ON, it's so fucking stupid. Unless the character's like, 3, or is SUPER childish, no one talks like that.
It ruins the entire atmosphere.
"B-Brian makes me feel weird! I can feel Brian-ah!"
"Jeff, what the FUCK man. I swear to GOD, you do this EVERY TIME-"
2020-02-10 01:33 marked
my friends all make fun of me ono. they tell me all about how pathetic i am all the time. if only i could have them know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. If only they knew that I'm trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. they are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe them the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. They think they can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fuckers. As I speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and their IP is being traced right now so they better prepare for the storm, maggots. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing they call their life. They're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill them in over 700, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe their miserable asses off the face of the continent. If only they could have known what unholy retribution their little “clever” comments were about to bring down upon them, maybe they would have held their fucking tongue. But they couldn’t, and now they're paying the price. I will shit fury all over them and they will drown in it. They're fucking dead, kiddos.

(this is a parody of everyone that asks for mental help advice on a gay porn website. i love yaoi btw so mangago dont ban me it's manga related)
2020-02-08 22:20 marked
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2020-02-06 22:18 marked
Does anyone have some yuri reccomendations? I need some links for a friend. (=・ω・=) ty!
2020-02-02 20:37 marked
(this is actually a story that I am writing.)
-Uke is a really intimidating delinquent that has troubles with processing emotions and being able to empathize with people. There are rumors that in his first year of highschool, he beat up his room mate in order to have the room all to himself.

(For some context, in this world, a small percentage of the population is "reborn" when they die; basically, they come back to life, sometimes with enhanced abilities.)

In his second year of highschool, he starts out without a roommate, but two weeks into the school year, he walks into his dorm only to find that someone had moved it; and it's the guy he has a major crush on?!?

over the next few months, the uke gets to know the seme more, and falls in love with him. as he's never felt such intense emotions towards anyone else, he cares deeply for the seme, and would rather him be happy than himself.

6 months later he finds out that his crush (the seme) had developed feelings for him since he moved in with him. they date for 2 more years, up until tragedy strikes:

The uke and the seme were assigned to be partners on a big project about grave robbers. the project is almost complete, but there's only one thing left to research. they decide to meet up in the woods before heading out to the graveyard to collect footage of a grave robbery.

somehow, through a series of misunderstandings, the seme and the uke mix up the time and place of the meetup, and the uke heads out into the forest a full 3 hours earlier than the seme, at midnight.

there's no cellphone service, so he can't call the seme, and he freaks out. afraid that something happened to him, he starts calling out his name, and then hears something. Running towards the sound, the uke comes across some railroad tracks. Seeing a lump on the tracks, he sprints over to it, thinking it's the seme.

But it wasn't.

And then the wail of a steam horn fills the air, and a train crashed through the uke.

The uke "dies", but is reborn; however, they are legally declared dead. His ability to feel emotions is dampened significantly, and his physical stregnth is increased; he finds the seme, and accidentally chokes him to death (the seme is reborn too, but the uke doesn't know this.) because he doesn't know his own strength, and can't process his feelings.

Fast forward 4 years. Somehow, the seme finds the uke again, except the uke has absolutely no memory of him (this is because of the trauma of accidentally killing the seme). But the seme has the ability to amplify emotions, and little by little, the uke's memories begin to come back (due to emotional triggers and stuff)

TL;DR: A tragic(?) love story of a guy that's infatuated with another guy, ends up dating him, dies in an accident, is reincarnated, ends up accidentally "killing" the guy he loves, and meets the guy he killed 4 years later. Except, due to trauma, has forgotten the guy he loved.

If you want more info, I'll be glad to answer any questions! (this is a really cruddy summary XD)
2020-01-30 21:15 marked

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