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ANTHONYSTARKSCAKE April 12, 2024 8:04 pm

hope he never goes back to jaekyung and then find a hot daddy at the beach, a good one this time.

ANTHONYSTARKSCAKE April 6, 2024 7:41 pm

Bada's character knows a lot about the games, but not his own life before it. He basically teaches Doha stuffs about the game. Plus, he can't kill the main antagonist. For me, all of that solidifies the point that Bada is an NPC, the game guide type to be exact. Like Paimon from GI. And that Doha is the playable character. When he asked about Bada's life before the game, Bada seemed shocked as if he never even thought about it. Meanwhile, Doha did. So, he must be able to remember his own life before the game.

Another thing is that, instead of Doha and others slowly being sentient and behaving like non-NPCs, it seems that it was Bada slowly becoming sentient. He was too static in the beginning, his goal was literally ensuring every possible outcome.

Abnormality started when he witnessed Doha behaving differently by killing the villager. That game, he supposedly didn't do anything wrong aside from seeing that. Meaning, Doha must be acting like that since the first games and Bada just didn't notice it. It was when he started to perceive Doha differently and then behave differently that things start to change.

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