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Yoghurt Lid October 23, 2020 7:27 pm

Does anyone know if she ever goes back to her old life and faces her real family?

    Eynanana October 23, 2020 7:37 pm


    Turns out she is cursed to have the same situation in every reality (estranged from family, the parallels are heavily implied). After she finishes and marries the ml (i wont spoil abt this one), she has the chance to go back to her old life but chose not to (since she’s already happy with both her family and love life)

    VanillaChocola October 23, 2020 9:34 pm
    SpoilerTurns out she is cursed to have the same situation in every reality (estranged from family, the parallels are heavily implied). After she finishes and marries the ml (i wont spoil abt this one), she has ... Eynanana

    Please give more spoil to me.. I'm desperately wanted to know more what happened

    Sacchan October 23, 2020 11:22 pm
    SpoilerTurns out she is cursed to have the same situation in every reality (estranged from family, the parallels are heavily implied). After she finishes and marries the ml (i wont spoil abt this one), she has ... Eynanana

    So did she really end up with one of those five bastard? Just say yes or no and dont spoil the name if u dont want to lol but I'm curious tho ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

    P_P October 23, 2020 11:44 pm
    Please give more spoil to me.. I'm desperately wanted to know more what happened VanillaChocola


    After defeating the final boss, Penelope is shown what happened in her original world after she fell into the game. It turns out that her original self was very, very, sick and she had become so accustomed to being ill and in pain she never realized how sick she was. When she "fell" into the game, her original body had actually fallen into a coma. After her body was found by her friends/coworkers when she stopped coming to university/work, doctors revealed to her original family that she was literally dying from the the abuse they had inflicted on her since she came to their family at 12 years old. This made her family realize just how horrific their actions were and that they did care about her enough to want her to live. They tried everything to save her and bring her out of the coma, but it had come down to her waking up or not.

    Penelope watches them begging her to wake up: promising that if she does they will be the proper family she has always deserved. Penelope is offered the choice to return to her original life (where she will wake up from the coma) or stay in the game world as Penelope (causing her original body to finally die in the coma). Despite the promise of her original family's love, Penelope chooses to stay in the game world with the family and people who have come to love her and who she has come to love in return.

    Sacchan October 23, 2020 11:50 pm
    SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!............After defeating the final boss, Penelope is shown what happened in her original world after she fell into the game. It turns out that her original self was very, very, sick and she... P_P

    Fuck, fuckkkk fuuuckkkkk omg my tears ┗( T﹏T )┛,

    VanillaChocola November 7, 2020 11:19 am
    SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!............After defeating the final boss, Penelope is shown what happened in her original world after she fell into the game. It turns out that her original self was very, very, sick and she... P_P

    Thank you so much for the spoiler (^^)

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