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meowmura answered question about lost something
i swear they just do it for plot filler, it literally adds nothing to the story and they even try and portray coercion or a sober person having sex with a drunk person as sexy, not only is it irritating but its also dangerous to portray sexual assault as normal or sexy and u can literally see the effects of it on this website because the amount of ......
meowmura created a topic of Devil on Top
meowmura created a topic of Raising a Bat

Just finished reading for the third time today and I finally just noticed, what's up with that gap between minji and taeyang? its a bit hypocritical to have an arc about how bad grooming is but have an 18 year old dating a 13 year old?

meowmura answered question about your opinions
I would say.. it's grooming adjacent. It's definitely predatory and weird. ESPECIALLY if they watched them grow up that's way more disgusting than if they met sometimes as child and adult and dated years later (which is still a bit weird). I mean, look at Jesse Rutherford and Billie Eillish, that kinda shit makes me sick. Anyone who defends such re......