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FancyTuna created a topic of Stranger Than Friends

It still rubs me the wrong way that Sanho’s friends wouldn’t help him when he was CLEARLY begging them to get him away from Tak because they don’t wanna get involved.

Like, if your irl friend is sending you PLEASE GET ME AWAY FROM THIS MAN signals you’re not gonna think - ew drama no thanks. He needs a whole new friend group who will actually respect his autonomy

If this were a better story they’d actually talk to him about what happened and acknowledge that he has been sexually assaulted in his sleep for YEARS and was being raped by his friend. It’s not even dubcon when he’s begging for it to stop and trying to escape. If this were plotless porn it’d be one thing but the narrative is trying to make Tak’s actions “justified” and it’s gross. Poor Sanho, I love you and hope you find someone better