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Dark Castle

Ongoing | Faun | 2000 released
2023-10-19 06:00 marked

Who Stole Empress

Ongoing | | 2022 released
2023-02-07 06:05 marked

Saya, the Fallen Deity

Ongoing | Meelbaat | 2019 released
2023-01-22 05:51 marked

Don’T Pick Up What You’Ve Thrown Away

Ongoing | A Hungry Night,Tiva,Vertex | 2021 released
2023-01-08 04:14 marked

Master has chosen my husband candidates

Complete | 블루픽스튜디오 | 2019 released
2022-12-29 02:54 marked

Isn’t Being A Wicked Woman Much Better?

Ongoing | | 2019 released
2022-12-08 04:33 marked

Lady Elisha's Erotica

Ongoing | Jangsegu | 2019 released
2022-08-29 05:13 marked

Sister, I Am the Queen in This Life

Ongoing | refalzimp,themis | 2019 released
2022-08-19 04:04 marked

The Beast Tamed by the Villainess

Ongoing | Seol-yeong (설영/雪影) | 2019 released
2022-08-07 00:55 marked

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When you click on the ‘Want to Read’, ‘Reading’, or ‘Already Read’ button found in the manga’s page, the manga will be listed here. This Manga list will serve as your personal manga gallery to be displayed for other manga readers to see.
Also, you will receive update notifications from mangas listed in ‘Reading’ and ‘Already Read’ whenever there is a new chapter added!