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Prometheus199 created a topic of Yoake no Uta

This is such a beautiful story, exactly the kind of story I've been looking for. It also somehow reminded me of Fontaine and Egeria. I know that it's different but I'm just reminded cos of the black sea inhabitants (hivemind?) expressing their desire to be individuals


Can't wait for the flashback scene where Tak gets his comeuppance from his fam lmao

Prometheus199 created a topic of Eternal Covenant

But really, we've only had 40+ chapters pf flashback. That's a lot of backstory and worldbuilding holy.

Also, lorkan, mboi, yearning's hard and all but that won't give you the right to kidnap and indoctrinate brian's reincarnation (-"-;)

Carcel's patience and love is as deep and vast as the ocean and i am so happy that Ines is slowly reciprocating that, step by step.

I know his big bro said it already but man, the way Tak said he actually hated Sanho broke my heart; I'm actually crying lmfao. Fuck you Tak, you're so quick to say dumb shit without thinking deeply about it. I wish Sanho finds a better guy (but we all know how this ends anyway )

The husbands are finally having a heart to heart moment ehehehehhe

Were we really expecting anything else from Tak lmao

Prometheus199 created a topic of Can't Think Straight

Now we hope he can keep this change up

Prometheus199 created a topic of Can't Think Straight

Otherwise, i'm liking how the story's progressing we're being shown growth on both sides

Girl that still wasn't your choice to make ( ̄へ  ̄ 凸

I need to see more character development from Tak than just this cos the almost instantaneous 180 in attitude feels too sus atm

Prometheus199 created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

Now HE's the one with memory loss. Icant bruh, anything else might bave been better pls

Pure insanity, your honour. They really are destined for one another

I just want the child's suffering to end at this point. He doesn't deserve this

It's been awhile since i read the side stories cos i literally got tired of tak just one-sidedly fucking sanho. So, it's good that we finally got the teensiest of progress for this couple i guess

Prometheus199 created a topic of Can't Think Straight

The street lamp really just went 'no shit sherlock' to jaehyuk's realization LOL

Prometheus199 created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

Crying shidding in the club rn, we are so back lads

Binged it all in a few hours. Does anyone know what chapter in the novel the latest update is (ch 52~53)