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SatanBeastie July 6, 2021 5:08 pm

Can someone explain to me what's up with the paper cranes? I'm on chapter 17 and I keep seeing them. Also the pink-ish butterflies. If you need to you can spoil me I just want some answers.

    reddokora July 7, 2021 7:10 pm

    I think they are used as spies or a way to send messages

    SatanBeastie July 8, 2021 10:42 am
    I think they are used as spies or a way to send messages reddokora

    Now I wonder who is sending them. The 'gamemaster'? the system? I really wish there was a novel so i could spoil myself :(

SatanBeastie July 2, 2021 8:22 pm

If anyone wants some spoilers, let me know cuz I read the novel. ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

    Otaku La July 2, 2021 8:23 pm

    Pls spoil me then ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

    Whoot July 2, 2021 8:44 pm

    spoilers pls

    hagaymaru July 2, 2021 9:22 pm

    yes yes

    Bobbyblubbys July 2, 2021 9:27 pm

    Okmgmg PLLSLS I have to know what happens next

    SatanBeastie July 2, 2021 9:27 pm
    spoilers pls Whoot

    Ok so! I'm talking from chapter 62 forward. My memory might be a bit shaky since I read this novel over 3 years ago.
    After Mielle pushes the count down the stairs she'll start screaming how Aria did it. Aria will run into her room to get the hourglasses but at that moment Asher comes in with his abillity, because the bracelet that the Count broke while reaching for Aria's hand was a magic device that was meant to alert Asher when it broke in case Aria was in danger. Anyway, Asher grabs Aria's hand, seeing her wide eyes and hearing Mielle's screams, and teleports them out of there, at the little house in the forest where they had tea.

    Afterward, he teleports them again at a Viscount's house that lives far from the capital, thus giving the two an alibi and they spend the night there. The next day the two travel to the border so they can cross into the Croa Kingdom. Anyway, meanwhile, Asher drops some hints that Aria is of Royal blood( Her father is the judge's brother) and that's why she collapses after turning the hourglass since she has 'outside royal blood'(this is how it was said in the novel). They use a carriage to leave behind evidence but Asher teleports them to a village where they change their clothes and have a little date while they wait for the carriage to arrive.

    While on their date (I think someone robbed some kid and broke their leg??) Aria uses her hourglasses, making her ring change colors, Asher saw it but thought it to be some sort of mistake or illusion. She saves the kid and the two return to their lodging and Aria goes to sleep. While she sleeps Asher gets some documents regarding Aria's father, Chloe. Chloe's mother was Violet, she fell in love with a noble from Croa, Piaast, but some noble forced her to marry him. She was pregnant with Chloe who is Piaast's son and when that was found out Chloe and Violet were kicked from the royal family. They went and lived with Piaast in Croa. Anyway, after the fall of the Count and his family Aria, Asher and Aria's mother will go visit them and Aria's mother will fall in love with Chloe and marry him.

    About The Proposal: Asher will decorate the entire capital with tulips, including the walls surounding the capital. He will propose to Aria in the Palace's garden which will also be filled with tulips and will tease Aria that he promised her he would rent an entire city for their proposal.

    The Fall of the Count(pun intended): Mielle will be found guilty and be locked in her room, Cain and Mielle will be later on charged for treason(along with Isis' family except for Oscar) and they will all be beheaded in the Town Square (also I think that Mielle will try to poison Aria again and that will help her execution???)

    sorry if this was a little chaotic but I read the novel a long time ago so I don't remember everything perfectly.

SatanBeastie's questions ( All 3 )

SatanBeastie July 16, 2021 12:41 pm

Does anyone know any mangas, preferably completed, but not necessarily, that are omegaverse and have hetero couples?

SatanBeastie May 31, 2021 12:03 pm

Does One Piece not work for anyone else? When I try to open it it says "Sorry, the page you have requested is not available yet.". Does anyone know when it will be available or who can I ask when it will be available?

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Oh, so you're a woc? 02-25 06:25

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Rael June 20, 2021 7:18 pm

I think that the source you asked for in this question ( ) is the Bl with the title perfect buddy.

SatanBeastie June 20, 2021 10:52 pm

Yesss! Thank you so much!ヾ(☆▽☆)

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