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OyaOyaOya created a topic of Shitasaki Kara Koi

i swear i read a cakeverse before this I don't remember what's the title

OyaOyaOya created a topic of Shitasaki Kara Koi

It's weird and im totally eating this like breakfast in the morning.
bookmark. saved. rated.

OyaOyaOya created a topic of 19 Days
OyaOyaOya created a topic of Non-Refundable Alpha

that picture of hawkmoth is sending me

so this is what the author has been gatekeeping from us... wow

OyaOyaOya created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

They adopted a child before even holding hands

i love me some good domestic shit
looks like the universe really answered his wishes lmao

OyaOyaOya created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

for some reason reading this makes me feel tired like this slowburn is a torture

OyaOyaOya created a topic of Kuroshitsuji

im still not over snake like that panel showing his dead body is my last straw too painful to see

OyaOyaOya created a topic of Outer Halo

nawp this is embarrassing Infront of all ur bandmates too

OyaOyaOya created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

I'm not a slowburn girlie hit I WILL BE for this manhwa

OyaOyaOya created a topic of Guiding Hazard

Oh my god who translated this the lines are making me cry, it's like out of a fanfic.

Also reminds of that ine dj i read few years back it was so beautifully written it broke me

OyaOyaOya created a topic of December

What the fuck is that cliffhanger you can't just leave us like that

That was certainly something...
is this some kind of already established universe? like godverse or smth

OyaOyaOya created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

was thinking to start this after a long time contemplating it might ruin my whole being, i guess it's not a right time rn

OyaOyaOya created a topic of Stigmata