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mashira's experience ( All 0 )

mashira's answer ( All 5 )

I believe everyone's free to think and write whatever they want, but I'm also free to call you out for this bullshit. Fiction affects reality in the event that the person engaging with fiction can't draw the line with reality. Basically, if you're a psychotic either you watch a movie of someone being murdered or not you still won't be able to und......   2 reply
07 07,2020
I wouldn't know about favorite, but I thought I'd share some that really should me a must read: This one is literally the best shounen ai ever made, you can fight me over this. - Guys I don't even know where to start: 80's style for ......   1 reply
23 06,2020
I started with Junjou and Sekakoi as well. My friend suggested them saying they were her firsts so well I just went with it as well- However my first experience with yaoi was a Luffy/Ace doujinshi another friend of mine sent me saying she liked it despite everything- In fact, I did know about yaoi before I got into it, but I hated them- mostly ca......   2 reply
05 05,2020
A shit lot actually- I suppose the worst out of all right now is "Unriped Expression", just what the fuck and how the fuck can you do that- I mean in a way it has a plot twist, but it fucked the relationship between characters so bad- I don't even know how to convey my disappointment. "Super Lovers" because well it's not bad overall, but there are ......   1 reply
19 04,2020
I used to have one friend in elementary school. I really cared for her and we kinda got along well- However from time to time she would just go and disappear, claiming she didn't want to stay with me- She would go with other classmates and play with them. Y'know I was really sad at that time, I thought I was the only one who was making an effort to......   reply
14 04,2020

mashira's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did going to concerts

- catfish and the bottlemen
- omar apollo
- txt (2x!!)

7 hours
want to do going to concerts

kiof world tour when…?! also i wanna see nmixx live once in my life soon as that happens i’ll die happily

17 hours
want to do applying edging to your life


1 days