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KioroDjirane created a topic of Star Struck

Quite good. ML have some wierd vibe going on but it didn't make that obvious so it keep us on egde if he will (or not) became a total psycho or just a douchebag. MC on an other hand is quite the pityful character but at least he is manly enough to my taste. :)

KioroDjirane created a topic of Love in Reprise

Is this the typical Alpha x Omega story were is a huge pushover and Alpha a big d*ck (in both way) ? Does it have anything that could make it more interesting ? Or can I just skip it ? :o

KioroDjirane created a topic of Fancy Mate

I didn't expect that type of vibe. Honestly, I just wanted to try but I was ready to drop it pretty soon if it was just a smutty story. But it was one of the most funiest story I read in a long time. Sex scenes are also good and not omnipresent (we got 3 or 4 I think) like some other thing I read with a similar plot. At this point, I don't think it's that fair to have the 'smut' tag. The art style is also pretty good. I'm really happily surprised.

KioroDjirane created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

Oh! I REALLY didn't see that coming! :P

I didn't read this manga but I've seen something really similar. Was this adapted as an anime ? Or a Drama ? I remember that at the end they decided to live together even if it wasn't perfect because they still loved each others (all three of them) in different way: Platonic for some & more to the others (the 2 dudes expecialy even if I remember that the bi guy had a crush on the wife before targeting the husband). Well, all of that was for asking if this manga is the original work of what I remember and if it is, for the one who have also seen the anime/drama, this manga is the same or the adaptation have taken liberty ? I don't want to read the exact same story but I'm would be curious if they didn't end or undolf in the same way. I'm saying this because it seems that the story here isn't finished but it could but just it isn't finished to be translated.

Kind of weird story. The MC seems to be REALLY talented but absolutely no one want him to work for them ? Even it's a slave contract or forced labor (seem what they would do). But no, they just take advantage of a random potion he did without anyone asking and then just let him be ? They are either really stupid or it's quite a plothole to me.

KioroDjirane created a topic of Love Interest Zone

I really don't know where the story is going on. It could be a banal romance between MC & ML but something tell me it wouldn't be that simple. ML really seems to be inspired by MC"s real life & created to 'heal' the broken MC. We also know that MC also had a Sunbae that somewhat take care of him (like MC do for ML). White Haired guy is sus as fuck but I don't know if he is an antagonist or something totally different (The sunbae himself ? The real end goal ?). So yeah I'm really confused and in the end it could just be as simple as the story goes (Them falling in love, healing each other and somewhat be translated into MC's reality) but I really enjoy the ride so far.

KioroDjirane created a topic of From North to South

I just binged it in one day... It feel too real and too close to home sometime. They are fictional characters, but I really want to protect them and see them being happy without a care in the world. Really good story!

KioroDjirane created a topic of Semantic Error

It's like they are stuck in a hamster's wheel. And I get a little bit bored of it. I think if in 10 chapters they are still stuck in the same issue, I may drop it and maybe pick up again when it's finished.

KioroDjirane created a topic of The edge of ambiguity

Yeah, Poor Sooyoung. For the first time when a MC said 'Why always me ?' it didn't just feel like some random whinning. I really hope that ML will not act like his father or do any of those 'What he was thinking when he was 7-years old'. And get some help. Therapy. A lot of therapy. xD

KioroDjirane created a topic of You Read My Mind

Well, at least we still got a 'proper' ending and not some 'hiatus' to infinitus that don't give at least some form of closure. It was either not popular enough or author didn't want to work on it anymore. For the people who want to start reading this, go for it, it's still a nice story thant end a bit quickly BUT it still make sense I would say. Not the read of the year but quite a nice read.

Everyone seem to view the 3rd one as an antagonist but he is probably the end game, no ? Because I don't see thing going well if he choose any of the original MCs of the novel. This manwha is really weird because at this point we should have strong hint at who we win over MC but I still have no clue at how this thing will end. :x