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magic.hannah created a topic of The Beast Must Die

Time and time again I find myself here to re-read this masterpiece. How can a story be so alluring? It feels like it is a siren that calls out to my soul and seduces me for another ride.

magic.hannah created a topic of The Way to Kill You

Such an interesting story!
Personally I find Mr Han too dul and irresponsible, he avoided talking about his needs and desires even though he knew what his wife was up to, and as he mentioned in the bathroom scene he kinda had alternative moves marrying Soejin, soooo I put him on the same level as Soejin. Their faults were different but both had faults Indeed.
I really loved how they cared about yaebin, admist their struggles they wanted to make sure she was alright and not affected.
Wooyoung, uh, I have complicated feelings about him.
But I wish a happy ending for all of them nevertheless.
(● ̄(エ) ̄●)

magic.hannah created a topic of I'll Be Here for You

Reading this manhwa is like seating at the beach when the sea is calm and so blue that draws you in, alluring and mesmerising.

E's mistake in raping S was big and he decided to forgive him. Although I love their relationship but I can't really forget this tiny matter, so shout out to lovers who read this work; do not for even a moment think that you have the right to rape a person whether you are head over heals for them or loath them with your blood and then pull the same shit!

magic.hannah created a topic of Dreadful Night

Is he really the mastermind behind the game? Wohohowow

magic.hannah created a topic of Sekaiichi Hatsukoi

I really would like read it again and I can't help but to hear the beautiful rhythm in my head. I wish my yet-to-come lover would read this manga as well and learn how to love me (●'◡'●)ノ

magic.hannah created a topic of Love or Hate(Yeongha)

And I'll be starting my re-reading again.

Next season will go with that? Getting memories from him?
My boys are toooo fine, the story is tooooo fine and I'm so not fine right now.