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SexyBitch created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon


SexyBitch created a topic of Night Song

I feel so bad for homegirl

SexyBitch created a topic of Admiration and Longing

Shitty sex shitty story but then again i kinda just wanted to see the bakugo looking guy get fucked so 4/10

SexyBitch created a topic of Waterside Night

Luv taeju but yes let him be a lil more sex deprived

SexyBitch created a topic of My Suha

Such a shitty bastard but god do i just wanna see my boy do even more terrible stuff like yes king how low are you gonna go this chapter!!!!

SexyBitch created a topic of Night Song

The artist gotta get the craziest head for all this stuff they produce oh my goddd

SexyBitch created a topic of Night Song

He's so fucking hot idk if i wanna suck his dick or become him

SexyBitch created a topic of Jinx

Mid af bl, i hope Jae Jae gets fucked in the ass my Heesung

SexyBitch created a topic of One Summer Day

Yea i read the chapter but GOD DAMN was I distracted by my man's juicy tits and abs like bro if you don't tie up that robe-

SexyBitch created a topic of Jinx

Listen listen, I'd hate to hype up this abomination, but ngl this chapter was kinda hot. Maybe it's just Jae Jae shutting the fuck up for the majority of the sex that made it actually enjoyable

SexyBitch created a topic of One Summer Day

Don't let me near the reaper y'all

SexyBitch created a topic of Night Song

Ight this was hot af i love this bl

SexyBitch created a topic of Jinx

Why is this bl literally the unsexiest thing ever even Yours to Claim is hotter and that shits a whole dumpster fire