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KAI created a topic of I Can’T Wait To Eat You

Good for her not giving her first time to that trash but did she really need to be virgin at her big age? Will she lost her 'value' or something if her first time wasn't with someone that she'll marry one day?
Dumb asf idc, made him virgin too then tf

For 'judge' or law student (I don't remember what she was) her judgment is bad asf
Even if he was suspect she talks about him as if he's already guilty
Before latest chapter I was glad she moved on from suspecting just him but she just made another step back and that annoyed me ngl
(If you're so suspicious about flowers, then get them tested or something don't throw/ignore them wth)
Also was it Victorian time or just history accurate I'm pretty sure that man (knight) would be not allowed to touch his lady that intimately or enter her room, just saying
So yeah her fiancé have right to complain
I think that's common sense but I understand it's just fantasy and he's 2nd ML so we should go with flow

KAI created a topic of summer season

I'll pretend side stories are not part of main story and move on honestly
It's very toxic and wrong
This is why authors should stick to shounen ai genre and not switch to yaoi, they aren't capable of making them fuk with consent even as couple

KAI created a topic of Guiding Hazard

Oh dear, where do I even start
That's all

KAI created a topic of A Secret Romance Between Us

Y'all gonna ignore fact that artist is absolutely in love with those ugly as 3d printed shoes? Do I need to see em in almost every fricking chapter, it's like commercial shoot, zoomed out and in, from all angles, it's that serious hmm.. It's either obsession or artist is proud asf of themselves

KAI created a topic of Codename Anastasia

Just to let yall know but Taekjoo isn't smartest apple out there, he's actually pretty 'dumb' for spy, I'm saying this as novel reader but don't be disappointed by this story because it will never get "better"
This isn't love story at all, it was never intended to be

KAI created a topic of Roses and Champagne

Every day I'm praying for Dmtri's downfall but nah author really loves that MF FUK HIM

KAI created a topic of 99.99% Lovers

Oh hell nah this is some sort of parody wtf I'm dying This shi was so dumb I was skipping through with disgusted face just to see ending and I'm laughing so much cause tf you mean "baby"? That's a grown a$$ man
Anyway live execution of ML in 4K please

KAI created a topic of Codename Anastasia

So whenever Taekjoo said "his ugly d*ck" he wasn't lying at all That thing is ugly asf even censored

KAI created a topic of Absolute Threshold

Ain't no way this man said "my seed" unironically
Author please do better or I'm just gonna assume this is comedy and ML is clown

KAI created a topic of How To Break Up With Him.

This ML is so whipped for uke it's crazy, right from the beginning as well damn

KAI created a topic of High Society

Oh this manhwa is actually trash ngl
Such a good art and wasted

KAI created a topic of Afterglow

I can see where this is going
I'm pretty sure because he's yakuza he's gonna get seriously injured and one performing or assisting with operation 's gonna be MC, isn't it

KAI created a topic of My Calypso

Well that was... There was absolutely no reason to break the 4th wall

KAI created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

That's it I'm dropping this, as much as I love them they just making me more anxious each chapter and I hate this type of "realistic?" plot

KAI created a topic of Rivalry

My loves I'm gonna miss them so much, most realistic couple out there yall can shut your a$$
This right here is how it's supposed to be
This MF learned to love the fuk, it is THAT serious
but some of yall still can't accept him? Do you want him to kill himself and restart his life??? Fuk you
Second couple was making me angry at first but I get used to them and started to like them, it's called character development some of yall should also try it, it's healthy dw

KAI created a topic of Blaze Out

This is turning into baseball manhwa

Let's think about this for a moment, let's say you're extra character in world you've reincarnated into and you cannot control your own life, dialogues and emotions
You have lived throughout 100 regressions but none of them lives was actually you, as if you are playing video game where are cutscenes that you can't skip nor do they have option of choosing your own answer, your character have already programed storyline so while you can sympathize with this character you are still only outsider
Now how old are you supposed be? 99 deaths at young age

That's all I'm too lazy to write rest

KAI created a topic of Codename Anastasia

When you hear it from spoilers and when you actually read novel it's bound to be different but let me just say this, I didn't expect it to be "THAT BAD"
I might be actually traumatized ngl but I was so curious.. It's my fault I am my own enemy
I've even skipped a LOT just to get to the main question which was "How's Teekjoo gonna survive him"? I found out and I'm not curious anymore, I get the hype yes yes but I'm not 'mature' enough for this yet
Imma let this marinate and come back to save you Taekjoo, don't worry Bae ( ̄∇ ̄")